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Palestinian village in Ramallah and al-Bireh, State of Palestine
For other uses, seeAboud (disambiguation).
"Abud" redirects here. For other uses, seeAbud (disambiguation).

Municipality type D in Ramallah and al-Bireh, State of Palestine
Arabic transcription(s)
 • Arabicعابود
 • Latin'Abud (official)
Abboud (unofficial)
Aboud from the south
Aboud from the south
Aboud is located in State of Palestine
Location of Aboud withinPalestine
Coordinates:32°00′54″N35°04′05″E / 32.01500°N 35.06806°E /32.01500; 35.06806
Palestine grid156/158
StateState of Palestine
GovernorateRamallah and al-Bireh
 • TypeVillage council
 • Head of MunicipalityElias Azar
 • Total
15,000 dunams (15.0 km2 or 5.8 sq mi)
 • Total
 • Density140/km2 (370/sq mi)
Name meaningAbud, personal name, from "to worship"[2]

Aboud (Arabic:عابود,ʿĀbūd) is aPalestinian village in theRamallah and al-Bireh Governorate of theState of Palestine, in the centralWest Bank, northwest ofRamallah and 30 kilometers north ofJerusalem. Nearby towns includeal-Lubban to the northeast andBani Zeid to the northwest.

Aboud is believed to be the site of aJewish settlement before theBar Kokhba revolt.[3][4] During theByzantine period, Aboud likely housed a significant Christian community,[5] with the early architectural elements of St. Mary Church indicating construction from that era.[6] DespiteArabization during theearly Muslim period, the community retained theAramaic language for ceremonial and liturgical purposes.[7] During theCrusades, Aboud was known as Casale Santa Maria, primarily inhabited by localOrthodox Christians with a minority of Crusader settlers.[8] Ottoman records indicate a predominantSyrian Christian majority in the sixteenth century, a status that endured into the nineteenth century.[5]

According to the 2017 census conducted by thePalestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the village had a population of 2,153.[1] The majority of the village's citizens areChristians, most of whom areGreek Orthodox. Near the village are numerous natural springs, which aresources for theYarkon River.


Abud is located 17.7 km northwest ofRamallah. It is bordered byDeir Nidham to the east,Bani Zeid to the north,Rantis andal Lubban el Gharbi to the west, andDeir Abu Mash'al to the south.[9]


Church of St Mary (Sitti Miriam) in 1932

Sherds from theIron Age II,Byzantine,Crusader/Ayyubid andMamluk eras have been found here.[10] There is archeological evidence that the village was inhabited during the Roman, Byzantine, Crusader, Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman eras.[11]

Roman period

Based on the findings in the nearby 'Abud Cave and in the adjacent necropolis of Mokata 'Abud, archaeologists believe 'Aboud was the site of aJewish settlement during the lateSecond Temple period and up until theBar Kokhba revolt. Although construction from later periods has covered the ancient settlement's remains, the magnificence of the ancient burial caves indicates the splendor of the ancient settlement.[3][4]

Byzantine period

During the Byzantine era, Aboud seems to have had a prominent Christian community.[5] The earliest architectural parts of the St. Mary Church in Aboud indicate a fifth- to sixth-century construction date.[6]

Early Muslim period

Although it appears that the community in 'Abud underwent a process ofArabization during theearly Muslim period, they were still able to preserve theChristian Palestinian Aramaic language and tradition long into this period and beyond it. However, they no longer used it as aspoken language; instead, they used this dialect for ceremonial events andliturgical uses.[7] A Palestinian Syriac inscription in the St. Mary Church indicate that it was active 1058, duringFatimid rule.[8]

Crusader/Mamluk era

In 1099, Aboud and much ofSyria was conquered by EuropeanCrusaders. During theCrusader period, Aboud was known by them as the LatinCasale Santa Maria. At the time, it was an unfortified agricultural village inhabited mostly by local Orthodox Christians. A minority of the population consisted of Crusader settlers.[8] The Crusaders made improvements and additions to the church, such as thenave and the north aisle.[12]

In 1104, Mufarij ibn Abu al-Hayr al-Abudi, a monk from Aboud, copied Syriac manuscripts in theSaint Catherine's Monastery inSinai.[13] In 1167, Casale Santa Maria was sold by KingBaldwin IV to theKnights Hospitallers. Starting in 1176, they used revenues from the village to supply white bread to the sick in the hospital ofJerusalem.[14][11]

In 1225,Yaqut al-Hamawi noted Aboud was a "small town inFilastin Province, near Jerusalem. The name isHebrew, and [has] becomeArabicized."[15] At another point in the 13th century, an Aboud monk, Sarur ibn Abd al-Masih al-Abudi, was recorded as copying Syriac manuscripts inCairo.[13] The southern part of Aboud was founded in the 13th or 14th century, duringMamluk rule. Two ornate mausoleums in this part of Aboud were built during the Mamluk period.[16]Arab historianal-Maqrizi mentioned these in the 14th century.[11]

Ottoman era

Aboud as part ofPalestine was incorporated into theOttoman Empire. In the 1553–57tax records, Aboud had a population of 35 families; 19 of whom were Christian and 16 Muslim.[16] In the 1596 Ottoman tax records, it was classified as part of thenahiya ("sub-district") ofRamla, part of theSanjak of Gaza. Its population remained the same, with 19 Christian households and 16 Muslim households,[17] and the inhabitants paid a fixed tax rate of 25% on wheat, barley, and other produce; a total of 21,000akçe. All of the revenue went to awaqf.[18] It was later designated as a part of theBani Zeid administrative region, still under the Ottomans.[11][19]

In 1870 the French explorerVictor Guérin found that Aboud contained 800 inhabitants, halfGreek Orthodox and half Muslims,[20] while an Ottoman village list of about the same year showed that Aboud had 225 Muslims with 69 houses, and 170 Greek Orthodox with 66 houses, though the population count included men only.[21][22]

In 1882, thePEF'sSurvey of Western Palestine described the village as "a large and flourishing Christian village, of stone, the houses nearly all marked with the Cross in red paint," with a population of 400 Orthodox Christians and 100 Muslims.[23]

In 1896 the population of Abud was estimated to be about 303 Muslims and 366 Christians.[24]

Aboud ('Abud) 1944 1:20,000

British Mandate era

Aboud ('Abud) 1945 1:250,000

In the1922 census of Palestine conducted by theBritish Mandate authorities, Aboud had a population of 754; 352 Muslim and 402 Christians.[25] The latter included 335 Orthodox, 41Roman Catholics, and 26 who belonged to theChurch of England.[26] At the time of the1931 census, the population had increased to 910; 470 Christians and 440 Muslims, in 215 houses.[27] The Christians largely inhabited the older, northern part of Aboud, while the Muslims inhabited the relatively newer, southern part.[16]

In the1945 statistics, the population was 1,080; 550 Muslims and 530 Christians.[28] The total land area was 15,007dunams, according to an official land and population survey.[29] Of this, 4,843 dunams were allocated for plantations and irrigable land, and 1,905 for cereals,[30] while 55 dunams were classified as built-up (urban) areas.[31]

Jordanian era

In the wake of the1948 Arab–Israeli War, and after the1949 Armistice Agreements, Aboud came underJordanian rule. It wasannexed by Jordan in 1950.

The Jordanian census of 1961 found 1,521 inhabitants,[32] of whom 716 were Christians.[33]


Since theSix-Day War in 1967, Aboud has been underIsraeli occupation. AfterOslo II in 1995, 16.8% of village land was classified asArea B, and the remaining 83.2% asArea C. Israel has confiscated land from Aboud in order to construct theIsraeli settlements ofBeit Aryeh-Ofarim.[34] In late July 2018, Israeli authorities informed village elders that they intended seizing a further 324 dunums (80 acres) of land shared by both Aboud andAl-Lubban al-Gharbi on grounds that the land was needed in order to construct an Israeli-only road between the settlements of Beit Arye and Ofarim.[35]

Church of St Mary (Sitti Miriam)

Interior of Church of St Mary, in 2017

Al-Abudiyah Church, also known as Saint Mary's Church, is situated in the center of Aboud. The earliest remains, including twocapitals and the semi-circulararches they support, suggests a fifth- to sixth-century construction date.[6]It was long believed to have been founded during theCrusader period inPalestine, when it was known asCasale Santa Maria. But, anAramaic inscription on a vault in the church, found during late 20th century restoration work, indicates that it was founded before the arrival of Crusaders, but fell into disrepair. According to the inscription, the church was rebuilt in 1058 CE during theFatimid era. In the 18th century an additional wall, as well as several windows and doors were constructed.[11][36]

Restorations and conservation were conducted in 1997. This uncovered remains of a Byzantine church withmosaic floors.[37] The cement plaster in the vaulting of the church was replaced with traditional mortar, stones inside the church were cleaned, theatrium was repaved, and a reinforcing northern wall was constructed.[11]

In 2013 Christians from the United Kingdom worked on a project with the church choir of St. Mary's Church to record "The Mary Prayers"[38] as a fundraising initiative. Proceeds from the sales of the CD or downloads are directed to humanitarian projects for the Muslims and Christians in Aboud.


According to thePalestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the village had a population of approximately 2,084 inhabitants in 2007.[39] It has a mixed population ofMuslims andChristians, mostly Eastern Orthodox. It has ancient churches built during theByzantine period of the 6th to 8th centuries.


Historically, Aboud's economy was centered on agriculture, specifically olives. Their cultivation in the 21st century takes up 43% of village lands. In total, 57% of Aboud's lands are cultivable; other crops are figs, apples, grapes, and almonds. Its primary agricultural products areolive oil,olive-based soap, dried figs, and almonds. In 2005 agriculture employed 19% of the village's labor force. The remaining 81% work in the governmental and private sectors, construction, and animal husbandry.

Following theSecond Intifada, which began in 2000, the residents who worked in Israel (10% of Aboud's labor force) lost their jobs there.[40]


'Abud Cave

'Abud Cave

The 'Abud cave, a largekarst cave in the vicinity of the village, is also a significant archeological site. Artifacts from the Chalcolithic, Middle Bronze, and Iron Ages, as well as the Roman, Byzantine, and early Arab periods, have been discovered in it. During theBar Kokhba revolt, it served as arefuge cave forJewish refugees who left there numerous objects, including oil lamps, glass and metal artifacts, andcoins typical of the period.[3][4]

Based on the findings from the cave along with the nearby Mokata 'Abud tombs, archaeologists believe that 'Aboud was a Jewish village during the early Roman period.[3][4] The settlement may have suffered damage during theJewish–Roman wars, forcing the locals to flee for their lives and abandon their homes. The evidence from the cave suggests that during the Bar Kokhba revolt, tens, possibly even hundreds, of the villagers temporarily took refuge inside. The absence of human remains may suggest that those who sought refuge there managed to escape unhurt, but it could also be a hint of antiquities' robbery, later activity in the cave (such as the return of Jews to bury their brethren), or the archeological's survey's limitations.[4]

Mokata 'Abud

Mokata 'Abud, a necropolis of the early Roman period

Mokata 'Abud,[41] anarcheological site located on the northwestern outskirts of the village, contains a necropolis believed to date back to the first century CE. The necropolis features a two-chamber tomb with loculi along with an elaborate portico adorned with wreaths,rosettes, and grapes, similar to those found in Jerusalem and in other locations in West Samaria.[42][43][3] Peleg-Barkat conclude that Mokata 'Abud and other similar tombs in Samaria were built by local Jewish elites inspired by the elaborate tombs of the Jewish elite of Jerusalem. While Magen has linked them to the exodus of Jewish craftsmen from Jerusalem to Samaria before thesiege of Jerusalem in 70 CE.[44][45][46]

SWP visited in 1866, and made extensive notes about 9 tombs here.[47]

Byzantine and Crusader Churches


Near the ruined St Barbara church, 2017

Adjacent to Aboud is an ancient monastery named afterSaint Barbara.[48] Located on a hill due west of the village, the Church of Saint Barbara was erected in theByzantine period.[11] Archaeologists trace its history to the 6th century CE.[40] Ancientcatacombs have been uncovered by the church; theirdating is uncertain. One of the burial caves is especially grandiose, with a door post decorated with carvings of wreaths, grape vines and grape clusters standing at its entrance.

On 5 June 1873,SWP visited and made a description: "A small ruined chapel; still a place of pilgrimage for Christians. It is of good masonry, the foundations only remaining, measuring about 10 feet across inside, and 22 feet in length east and west. Between the chapel and the village of 'Abud is a fine pool lined with masonry, which was full when visited."[49]

Locals consider Saint Barbara to have been the oldest and most sacred of Aboud's churches.Palestinian Christians visited the church annually on 17 December to celebrate the St. Barbara's Day festival. On 31 May 2002, theIsraeli army blew up and destroyed the church. The Israeli military claimed that they were unaware of the church's significance and demolished it by mistake.[40]

Monastery of St Elias (Mar Elia)

UnderFatimid rule, in 1030, a Christian monk named Elias from Aboud copied Syriac manuscripts inAntioch. He later returned to Aboud and founded the Deir al-Kaukab monastery, also called Monastery of St Elias (Mar Elia), near the village.[13] The site of Mar Elia has been identified 1.5 km south-east of the village, and it is assumed that monastery excised into the twelfth century.[50][51]


Additional local churches include one dedicated toSt. Theodore (located in the center of the village) and to St. Anastasia (to the south of the village). Both are from the 7th–8th centuries.[52]


  1. ^abPreliminary Results of the Population, Housing and Establishments Census, 2017(PDF).Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) (Report).State of Palestine. February 2018. pp. 64–82. Retrieved24 October 2023.
  2. ^Palmer, 1881, p.221
  3. ^abcdeJackson-Tal, Ruth E.; Raviv, Dvir; Langford, Boaz; Davidovich, Uri;Frumkin, A.; Porat, Roi; Zissu, Boaz (2020)."Glass Use as a Reflection of Abandonment Processes: The 'Abud Refuge Cave, Roman Judea (133/134 C.E.)".Journal of Glass Studies.62:69–82.ISSN 0075-4250.JSTOR 26951073.
  4. ^abcdeזיסו, בועז; לנגפורד, בועז; פורת, רועי; רביב, דביר; פרומקין, עמוס (2017). "מערת עבוד בימי מרידות היהודים ברומאים - תובנות חדשות לאור ממצאים חדשים וניתוח הממצא הקרמי". In טבגר, אהרון; עמר, זהר (eds.).במעבה ההר [In the Highland's Depth] (in Hebrew). Vol. 7. אוניברסיטת אריאל ומדרשת הרי גופנא. pp. 172–173.ISBN 978-965-91808-0-6.
  5. ^abcTramontana, Felicita (2014). "Chapter I "Christians in Seventeenth-century Palestine"".Passages of Faith: Conversion in Palestinian villages (17th century) (1 ed.). Harrassowitz Verlag. pp. 24–25.doi:10.2307/j.ctvc16s06.6.ISBN 978-3-447-10135-6.JSTOR j.ctvc16s06.
  6. ^abcPringle, 1993, p.18
  7. ^abRubin, Milka (1998). "Arabization versus Islamization". In Kofsky, Arieh; G. Stroumsa, Guy (eds.).Sharing the Sacred: Religious Contacts and Conflicts in the Holy Land: First-Fifteenth Centuries CE. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi. p. 158.
  8. ^abcEllenblum, 2003, pp.130131
  9. ^‘Abud Village Profile, ARIJ, p. 5
  10. ^Finkelstein et al, 1997, pp. 202–203
  11. ^abcdefgH. Taha (1997)."A salvage excavation at the 'Abudiyah Church in Abud – Samaria"(PDF).Liber Annuus.47: 359–374 andplates 17–20. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 4 March 2014. Retrieved17 January 2013.
  12. ^Ellenblum, 2003, p.133
  13. ^abcEllenblum, 2003, pp.131132
  14. ^Röhricht, 1893, RHH, p.145, no 547; cited in Pringle, 1993, p.18
  15. ^Yaqut al-Hamawi quoted in le Strange, 1890, p.382.
  16. ^abcEllenblum, 2003, p.132
  17. ^Petersen, 2005, p.131
  18. ^Hütteroth and Abdulfattah, 1977, p. 156
  19. ^Robinson and Smith, 1841, vol 3, Appendix 2, p.124
  20. ^Guérin, 1875, pp.87–90
  21. ^Socin, 1879, p.142 Noted to be in theBeni Zeid district
  22. ^Hartmann, 1883, p.106, found 110 houses
  23. ^Conder and Kitchener, 1882, SWP II, p.289
  24. ^Schick, 1896, p.122
  25. ^Barron, 1923, Table VII, Sub-district of Ramallah, p.16
  26. ^Barron, 1923, Table XIV, p.45
  27. ^Mills, 1932, p.47
  28. ^Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics, 1945, p.26
  29. ^Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics.Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p.64
  30. ^Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics.Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p.111
  31. ^Government of Palestine, Department of Statistics.Village Statistics, April, 1945. Quoted in Hadawi, 1970, p.161
  32. ^Government of Jordan, 1964, p.24
  33. ^Government of Jordan, Department of Statistics, 1964, pp.115–116
  34. ^‘Abud Village Profile, ARIJ, pp. 16–17
  35. ^Yumna Patel,'Drowning among Israeli settlements, an ancient Christian village in Palestine struggles to survive,'Mondoweiss 17 August 2018
  36. ^Pringle, 1993, pp.1820
  37. ^Pringle, 2009, p.249
  38. ^The Mary Prayers
  39. ^2007 PCBS Census.Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. p. 112.
  40. ^abc'Aboud, the city of flowers, threatened by the Israeli Segregation WallArchived 4 August 2020 at theWayback Machine Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem. 9 June 2005.
  41. ^meaning: "The quarries of Abud", according to Palmer, 1881, p.239
  42. ^Conder, 1873, p.143
  43. ^Rachel, Hachlili (2005).Jewish funerary customs, practices and rites in the Second Temple period. Brill. p. 147.ISBN 90-04-12373-3.OCLC 56566954.
  44. ^Peleg-Barkat, O., 2015. “Decorated Tomb Façades in Early Roman Jerusalem and their Influence on the Decoration of Tombs in Judaea and Samaria,” in: Ben-Arieh, Y. et. al (eds.), Study of Jerusalem through the Ages, Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, pp. 73−121. (Hebrew)
  45. ^Magen, Y. (2008). "Tombs Ornamented in Jerusalem Style in Samaria and the Hebron Hills".Judea and Samaria Researches and Discoveries. Vol. 6. Jerusalem. p. 163.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  46. ^Raviv D., 2013, "Magnificent Tombs from the Second Temple Period in Western Samaria - New Insights",In the Highland's Depth - Ephraim Range and Binyamin Research Studies, Vol. 3, Ariel-Talmon, pp. 109-142. (Hebrew)
  47. ^Conder and Kitchener, 1882, pp.361-364
  48. ^Palmer, 1881, p.226
  49. ^Conder and Kitchener, 1882, p.305
  50. ^Pringle, 1993, pp.196-197
  51. ^Guérin, 1875, p.86
  52. ^Dauphin, 1998, p. 825


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Governorate of Ramallah and el-Beireh
Village councils
Refugee camps
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