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Latest comment:15 years ago by Meev0 in topicTypographic Conventions

Q & A

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Q: Who is this book for?
A: It's for people who want to learn about grsecurity, and for those who are aready familiar with it and want an up-to-date reference of its configuration options.

Q: What is the expected level of technical skills or the readers?
A: That's a good question. Should we target the so called "normal" users, or more skilled and experienced people? I think the readers should at least be familiar with the core utilities of the GNU userland. They should also be accustomed to working from the command line. Compiling a custom kernel should not be a new thing to them, because in this book we only cover the kernel options of grsecurity and PaX. At the same time every step of every task should be clearly explained; do not assume that the user knows some "obvious" thing that needs to be done before or afterX.

Q: When was a version of Grsecurity first released, and who uses it/how popular is it (or with whom is it popular)?

Typographic Conventions

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The following is a list of the typographical conventionscould be used in this book:

Used for file and directory names, object modes, subject modes and PaX flags.
Used for occasional emphasis. Eg. The wordsWARNING andNOTE should be in bold.
Constant Width
Used in examples to show what commands to execute and what their output should be. Used in text for program and command names.
Constant Width Italic
Used to indicate variable options, keywords, or text that the user is to replace with an actual value. In practice this style is mostly used inside a preformatted text block.

Meev0 (talk)17:33, 21 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

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