RTB (Real-Time Bidding) is a technology for conducting transactions for online ad slots in real time. This framework uses an auction format for each ad impression to enable the distribution of the highest-rate ads.
Advertisers want to focus on their target users based on the lowest ad budget possible. Online media wants to sell their ad slots at the highest rates possible. To address these conflicting needs, RTB uses an auction format to buy and sell ad slots in real time, promoting optimized ad distribution for each ad slot based on user attributes, behavior history, and other data.
SSP providers use RTB to provide online media a platform for maximizing ad revenue. Online media adopt SSP to enable automated ad bidding in an auction format for their ad slots, which leads to the placement of higher-priced ads, and promotes the maximization of ad revenue.
DSP providers promote transaction platforms to the parties who purchase ad slots, such as advertisers and ad agencies.
By connecting SSP providers and DSP providers, the bid requests (conditions such as ad distribution audience, listing position, distribution location) offered by SSP providers are responded to by multiple DSP providers, resulting in the ads of the highest-bidding DSP being displayed.