Subscribe To Open
Subscribe to Open is the business model selected by EMS Press to pursue a programme of fair and sustainable open access publishing.
Open Mathematics
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2025 Programme Results
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully opened all 22 of our 2025 Subscribe To Open (S2O) journals programme; further details can be foundhere. Our 2026 round will be announced in May 2025, visit the info pages for current subscription rates andpackage offers.
In 2019 EMS Press made the decision to transition its portfolio of journal titles to open access. In making this decision, it was agreed that the society could not support a model that may present barriers to publication, and as such any model relying on article processing charges (APCs) would not be suitable. Through rigorous analysis of the various remaining options available to the Press, we elected to pursue an S2O business model.
Transformative agreements, including Subscribe to Open pioneered by Annual Reviews, emerged as the most promising. — SPA-OPS Report, 2019
S2O is a sustainable and equitable model for open access. Libraries continue to subscribe to journals for the coming year, as they always have with full subscription benefits, such as access to archive and online-first articles. At the beginning of the new subscription year if a journal has met its sustainability threshold, defined by the Press as the amount needed to support all journal operations, then that journal becomes open access for all issues published in that subscription year. If not, it remains behind a paywall and only subscribers have access. Where there is a funder requirement for open access EMS Press will publish articles underGreen Open Access, ensuring that the article is freely available regardless of the overall journal status.
The only way to guarantee access to any of the Press’s journals is to subscribe. Doing so has the added advantage of helping titles to achieve open access once its sustainability threshold is achieved, benefitting the whole mathematics research community.
Open access content provided through our Subscribe To Open programme is done so under theCC-BY 4.0 license. Please view ourTerms of Digital Access for our repository policy.
S2O has clear benefits for all participants in the publishing ecosystem.
For the library
Retain control of budgets and collection;
Administratively, subscriptions operate as before but now support OA;
Guaranteed access to journal content when subscribing (including online-first and full archive), regardless of outcome;
Exclusive access to online first articles for all subscribed journals.
For the researcher
No APCs or other financial barriers to publication;
Publish where you choose, not where your institution has a deal;
Comply with funder requirements using immediateGreen OA;
Support an equitable system for all researchers based on relevance and quality, not cost.
For the publisher
Streamlined administrative processes, reducing internal costs allowing focus to be on content;
Support OA in a truly sustainable way;
Support global equity in scholarly publishing.
All of our journals are now enrolled in the open access programme. To find out the status of a specific publication, please visit ourJournal pages.
Additional Resources
EMS Press S2O Survey Report (June 2020)
EMS Press S2O survey raw data (June 2020)
Annual Reviews S2O resource centre
Subscribe to Open: A practical approach for converting subscription journals to open access (Learned Publishing, 2019)
cOAlition S endorses S2O (April 2021)
SPA-OPS Independent Report into Open Access Business Models (2019)
Open Access Wikipedia page
EMS Press Criteria for Sustainable Open Access with Subscribe to Open (2024)