✏️Edit this pageEmotion is a library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript. It provides powerful and predictable style composition in addition to a great developer experience with features such as source maps, labels, and testing utilities. Both string and object styles are supported.
There are two primary methods of using Emotion. The first is framework agnostic and the second is for use with React.
Framework Agnostic
npm i @emotion/css
The@emotion/css package is framework agnostic and the simplest way to use Emotion.
Requires no additional setup, babel plugin, or other config changes.
Has support for auto vendor-prefixing, nested selectors, and media queries.
You simply prefer to use the
function to generate class names andcx
to compose them.Server side rendering requiresadditional work to set up
npm i @emotion/react
The@emotion/react package requires React and is recommended for users of that framework if possible.
Best when using React with a build environment that can be configured.
prop supportSimilar to the
prop, but also has support for auto vendor-prefixing, nested selectors, and media queries.Allows developers to skip the
API abstraction and style components and elements directly.The
prop also accepts a function that is called with your theme as an argument allowing developers easy access to common and customizable values.Reduces boilerplate when composing components and styled with emotion.
Server side rendering with zero configuration.
Theming works out of the box.
ESLint plugins available to ensure proper patterns and configuration are set.
css prop documentation
npm i @emotion/styled @emotion/react
The@emotion/styled package is for those who prefer to use thestyled.div
style API for creating components.
Browser requirements
Emotion supports all popular browsers and Internet Explorer 11.