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Faster Pussycat

Da Wikipedia.

C'l artìcul chè 'l è scrit inMiranduléśEmiliàn

I saw a number written on the wall, it said for a good time call, dialin 2-8-1-7-6-6-8, hey baby, I can’t wait, I got your number off the bathroom wall, pick up the phone and I start to think, I get excited when it starts to ring, what will she look like, what will she say if it’s good I’ll call her every day.»
(EN)(Bathroom Wall,1987)
A-j-ò butâ 'l òć su 'n nùmar scrit su 'n mur, al dgiva par pasàr di mumènt bèi ciàma 'l 2-8-1-7-6-6-8, vê teśôr, a n véd l'óra, a-j-ò catâ 'l tò nùmar su 'l mur 'd un cèso, a tóg al telèfun e a tac a pinsàr, a vag in tîr quànd al taca a sunàr, cuma sarà-la? Cuśa dirà-la? S'al sarà 'n bèl quèl a la ciamarò tut i dè.»
I Faster Pussycat tòlt śò in dal 2009
Al cantànt Taime Downe da 'l viṿ in dal 2010
Danny Nordahl

IFaster Pussycat (Più in présia Mimìna!) i èṅ un gruphard rock americàṅ, fundâ aLos Angeles in dal 1986, ch'al fà d'lhair metal. I aṅ sarnî 'l nóm tulénd spunt da 'l tìtul dna pelìcula cult da 1965 adRuss Meyer,Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!.

Insém a iGuns N' Roses e a iL.A. Guns i aṅ purtâ avànti 'l gènarsleaze metal, catànd al sucès a la fiṅ di an Utànta c'n al disc ad debùtumònim dal 1987 e specialmènt c'n al sò secónd lavōr ad dū an dòp,Wake Me When It's Over, ch'al gh l'à cavàda a dvintàr disc 'd òr.

Fra i sò sìngui 'd sucès a 'rcurdémDon't Change That Song,Bathroom Wall,House of Pain eNonstop to Nowhere.


Qvéi 'd adès

  • Taime Downe -vóś (1985–1993, 2001–incō)
  • Xristian Simon -chitàra (2001–incō)
  • Michael Thomas -chitàra (2001–incō)
  • Ace Von Johnson -chitàra (2010–incō)
  • Danny Nordahl -bas (2001–incō)
  • Chad Stewart -baterìa (2006, 2007–incō)

Èx Cumpunènt

  • Brent Muscat -chitàra (1985–1993, 2001–2005)
  • Greg Steele -chitàra, tastéri (1985–1993, 2001)
  • Michael Thomas -chitàra (2005–2010)
  • Walt "Walta" Adams -bas (1985)
  • Kelly Nickels -bas (1985–1987)
  • Eric Stacy -bas (1987–1993)
  • Aaron Abellira -bas (1993)
  • Mark Michals -baterìa (1985–1990)
  • Brett Bradshaw -baterìa (1990–1993)



  • 1987 - Faster Pussycat
  • 1989 - Wake Me When It's Over
  • 1992 - Whipped!
  • 2006 - The Power and the Glory Hole

Da 'l Viṿ

  • 2009 - Front Row for the Donkey Show


  • 1990 - Live and Rare
  • 1992 - Belted, Buckled and Booted


  • 1994 - The Best of Faster Pussycat
  • 2000 - Greatest Hits
  • 2001 - Between the Valley of the Ultra Pussy
  • 2005 - Rhino Hi-Five: Faster Pussycat

Culegamènt estéran

v · d · m
Grup Metal
Alternative metalThe CultElectric SixFaith No MoreFoo FightersGarbageJane's AddictionRed Hot Chili PeppersSkunk AnansieWhite Zombie
Black metalBelphegorMercyful FateVenom
Blues metalAerosmithCinderellaLenny KravitzTesla
Comedy rockThe BatesBloodhound GangGreen JellÿH-BlockxTenacious D
Death metalChildren of BodomEntombedMorbid Angel
Doom metalBlack SabbathCandlemassH.I.M.Lacuna CoilParadise LostType O Negative
Epic metalManowar
GrindcoreCarcassNapalm Death
GrungeAlice in ChainsBushJerry CantrellHoleMad SeasonNirvanaPearl JamSilverchairSmashing PumpkinsSonic YouthSoundgardenStone Temple Pilots
Hard rockExtremeGunLiving ColourQueenThe DoorsUriah HeepVelvet Revolver
Hair metalAlice CooperBon JoviDef LeppardEuropeFaster PussycatGuns N' RosesKissL.A. GunsLita FordMötley CrüeMr. BigNew York DollsPoisonQuiet RiotRattScorpionsSkid RowSlaughterT-RexTwisted SisterVan HalenVinnie Vincent InvasionWarrantW.A.S.P.
Heavy metalAcceptAC/DCDoro PeschIron MaidenJudas PriestMotörheadOzzy OsbourneRonnie James Dio
Industrial metalFear FactoryMarilyn MansonNine Inch NailsRammstein
Nu metalCoal ChamberDeftonesKornLimp BizkitLinkin ParkSystem of a Down
Power metalHelloweenIced Earth
Progressive metalDream TheaterKing CrimsonQueensrÿche
PunkBlink 182Green DayL7RamonesSex PistolsOffspring
Symphonic metalApocalypticaNightwish
Stoner metalKyussQueens of the Stone Age
Thrash metalAnthraxDownExodusMegadethMetallicaOverkillPanteraSepulturaSlayerTestament
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