Seriously, what did you do to these ghouls?
Created in Bitsy by Adam Ledoux for the oh no jam.
Thanks to Mildmojo andSean for some hacks.
The music is a remix by Franz Keller at Overclocked Remix.
The Puck is not my property, obviously.
In case you're curious, this game has 853 rooms. The average playthrough will see 21 of them.
It is impossible to escape forever.
Or is it?
Really though, you can't win.
Or can you?
(You can't.)
(You probably can't.)
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Hey Empha, I'm having a really hard time on this game i'm currently making, and I'd really appreciate your help. I tried out your hacks, the ones that make you warp to a different room via talking to sprites, but I can't make heads or tails of the written explanation. I'm a huge fan of your work, and it would really mean a lot if you explained how to use it, and I'm sure you could help other people too.
Oh sure, I'd love to help. (Although it's not really my hack, Mildmojo wrote it.)
So when you download your game from the bitsy page, you get a .html file. To make the hack work, you need to open that file in some text editor and paste the code of the hack in its own script tag. Like this: "<script>[the hack]</script>" Putting it near the end of the file, right after the last </script> tag, seems the most reliable.
To use the hack, just add exit commands to the dialog of some sprite. It can appear anywhere in dialog, and should look like this: (exit "roomname, x, y") Just replace roomname, x and y with the value you want. using exitNow instead of exit will move you instantly, instead of waiting until the dialog is over.
If anything's still unclear, don't be afraid to ask!
Here you go- there's a screen shot which shows an example of the code you can change in the game data.