- Description
- Outline-based notes management and organizer
- Latest
- org-9.7.25.tar (.sig), 2025-Mar-09, 9.70 MiB
- Maintainer
- Bastien Guerry <>
- Website
- Browse ELPA's repository
- CGit orGitweb
- Badge
To install this package from Emacs, usepackage-install
Full description
This is a distribution of Org Mode, a major mode for keeping notes,authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate programming,maintaining to-do lists, planning projects, and more — in a fast andeffective plain text system.
Check theOrg Mode website for more.
1. Install Org
Org is part of GNU Emacs: you probably don't need to install it.
To install a more recent version, please use command:M-xlist-packages
, find "org" in the list, click on it, and click"Install" in the popped up window.
2. Join the GNU Project
Org is part of GNU Emacs and GNU Emacs is part of the GNU OperatingSystem, developed by the GNU Project.
If you are the author of an awesome program and want to join us inwriting Free (libre) Software, please consider making it an officialGNU program and become a GNU Maintainer. Instructions on how to dothis are here
Don't have a program to contribute? Look at all the other ways tohelp:
And to learn more about Free (libre) Software in general, please readand share this page:
3. License
Org-mode is published under theGNU GPLv3 license or any laterversion, the same as GNU Emacs.
Org-mode is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify itunder the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by theFree Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at youroption) any later version.
GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, butWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNUGeneral Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with Org mode. If not, see
Old versions
org-9.7.24.tar.lz | 2025-Mar-02 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.23.tar.lz | 2025-Feb-22 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.19.tar.lz | 2025-Jan-03 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.9.tar.lz | 2024-Jul-28 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.8.tar.lz | 2024-Jul-22 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.7.tar.lz | 2024-Jul-13 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.6.tar.lz | 2024-Jun-28 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.5.tar.lz | 2024-Jun-22 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.4.tar.lz | 2024-Jun-15 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.3.tar.lz | 2024-Jun-06 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.2.tar.lz | 2024-Jun-03 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.7.1.tar.lz | 2024-Jun-01 | 1.63 MiB |
org-9.6.30.tar.lz | 2024-May-10 | 1.54 MiB |
org-9.6.29.tar.lz | 2024-May-03 | 1.54 MiB |
org-9.6.3.tar.lz | 2023-Apr-02 | 1.54 MiB |
org-9.5.5.tar.lz | 2022-Sep-03 | 1.45 MiB |
org-9.4.6.tar.lz | 2021-May-19 | 1.38 MiB |
org-9.3.8.tar.lz | 2020-Sep-07 | 1.21 MiB |
org-9.2.6.tar.lz | 2019-Sep-04 | 1.19 MiB |
org-9.1.14.tar.lz | 2018-Aug-27 | 1.17 MiB |
ORG NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. -*- mode: org; coding: utf-8 -*-#+STARTUP: overview#+LINK: doc msg git (C) 2012-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.See the end of the file for license conditions.Please send Org bug reports to* Version 9.7** Important announcements and breaking changes# Here, we list the *most important* changes and changes that _likely_# require user action for most Org mode users.# Sorted from most important to least important.*** Arbitrary shell commands may no longer run when turning on Org modeThis is for security reasons, to avoid running malicious commands.*** =python-mode.el (MELPA)= support in =ob-python.el= is removed=python-mode.el= support has been removed from =ob-python.el=. Therelated customization =org-babel-python-mode= has been changed to aconstant.If you still want to use python-mode with ob-python, you mightconsider [[][ob-python-mode-mode]], where the code to support python-modehas been ported to.*** It is no longer possible to reveal hidden parts of the links during isearchOrg 9.6 introduced support for searching hidden parts of the links.Unfortunately, we had to drop this support because its implementationturned out to be unreliable for many users. Proper implementationwould require patching =isearch.el= and possibly a number of externallibraries implementing isearch equivalents. It cannot be done on Orgside alone.*** =ox-latex=: ~org-latex-line-break-safe~ is deprecated~org-latex-line-break-safe~ constant was previously introduced to dealwith edge cases when LaTeX interprets [...] as LaTeX commandargument. However, it caused a number of other issues and proveditself not to be as "safe" as it supposed to be.We now use a Pandoc's approach to deal with the same problem,utilizing ={[}= to escape =[...]= instances where needed.*** ~tab-width~ value is now assumed to be 8Org mode now assumes tab width to be 8 characters, when calculatinglist and other indentation. ~tab-width~ is also set to 8 when Orgmajor mode is loaded.This is done to improve consistency of the markup for lists, whereindentation affects list items.Users with non-default values of ~tab-width~ should avoid overridingthe value of 8 set by Org mode. If the custom ~tab-width~ value is_smaller_ than 8, the existing Org documents can be converted to thenew standard tab width using the following helper command:#+begin_src emacs-lisp(defun org-compat-adjust-tab-width-in-buffer (old-width) "Adjust visual indentation from `tab-width' equal OLD-WIDTH to 8." (interactive "nOld `tab-width': ") (cl-assert (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)) (unless (= old-width 8) (org-with-wide-buffer (goto-char (point-min)) (let (bound (repl (if (< old-width 8) (make-string old-width ?\s) (concat "\t" (make-string (- old-width 8) ?\s))))) (while (re-search-forward "^ *\t" nil t) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (setq bound (point-marker)) (forward-line 0) (while (search-forward "\t" bound t) (replace-match repl)))))))#+end_src*** ~org-ctags~ is not activated by default any moreTo follow Emacs [[info:elisp#Coding Conventions][coding conventions]] and to avoid confusion of userswho accidentally get ~org-ctags~ autoloaded due to help completion,the library does not modify ~org-open-link-functions~ during loadingany more. Run ~org-ctags-enable~ to setup hooks and advices:#+begin_src emacs-lisp(with-eval-after-load "org-ctags" (org-ctags-enable))#+end_src*** "Priority" used to sort items in agenda is renamed to "urgency"Previously, ~priority-up~ and ~priority-down~ in~org-agenda-sorting-strategy~ used a composite rank depending onitem's priority (=[#A]=, =[#B]=, =[#C]=, etc) and overdue time to......