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Fish Hooks

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this is such a beautiful and personal game, really lovely stuff. <3

Thank you for sharing these experiences. I never thought a museum could be such an evocative and poetic medium for sharing personal stories. Wish you all the best, and take care!

Nicely done! Thank you for sharing this. 

Was very intrigued to see the extra add-ons to Bitsy. The visual novel aspects were extremely well done. Will have to check out Binksi at some point.

This is a really beautiful use of the jam theme. I’m glad you’re here to share this with us. <3

thank you for playing <3

How do you open up the pathway above the giant hook? 

it should clear after you've entered all the side rooms - if it doesn't, i'd recommend making sure cookies are allowed on the page, as not allowing them might prevent some things from working properly :) 

Incredible piece of art. I love the atmosphere, and the poems are hauntingly beautiful. I adore the feelings and emotions you put into the work.

thank you <3

Wow, this was breathtaking. Painful and beautiful, I literally did have to keep reminding myself to breathe while I was caught up in admiring the writing and level design.

thank you so much!!

this made me cry so much. i love you. i'm glad i met you and that you're here making such powerful work.

ilysm <33333

i loved playing this. i loved the format of a museum, which is usually clinical or detached, to express emotion. thanks for making it.

thank you!! i really appreciate it <3

I've played this twice now, and I've been trying to figure out how to write out my praise in a nice comment, but it's hard to articulate just how impactful this is. It's breathtaking, in a very real sense; playing it made me feel at times like my breath had been yanked out of my lungs. The environment is perfect, the presentation of some of these pieces (thinking especially about the photo with the vanishing figures) and the act of climbing out at the end... it's so, so effective.
I've been processing an event from last month that makes some of the pieces in here hit extra hard. A lot of my time has just been spent trying to parse my own emotions. Seeing some of those emotions reflected here feels like relief. Thank you for writing them.

oh well this is just the loveliest comment i've ever gotten T-T thank you so much for playing! multiple times!!! it means so, so much to me that it helped you, however much - sometimes all we need is to know that we're not the only person feeling the way we are. it's only human to feel pain, despair, loss - and it is only human to struggle ever onwards, to keep hoping and growing. i hope your journey is kind to you <3·View all by ellis dex·Report·Embed

