NationalCoalition to introduce laws to de-register the CMFEUVictoria$35 million to rebuild the Adass Israel SynagogueWA$800,000 for the Mindarie-Quinns Fishing Platform and $400,000 for the Quinns Rocks Foreshore Car Park in the electorate of PearceNationalAdding attitudes towards Jewish people to the citizenship test
NSW$10 million investment to plan Dapto’s new south facing rampsVictoriaAlbanese Government to support women in Melbourne’s south-east by providing $120,000 to social enterprise SisterWorksNationalAlbanese Labor Government to fund no interest loans for the next five years with an additional $48.7 million to support Australians with the cost of livingNationalLabor to provide $7.1 million over 2 years from 2025–26 to strengthen the ACCC’s enforcement of the Franchising Code of ConductNational$5.3 million to help ensure women carry their babies to full term, avoiding the dangers of premature birth