- about
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- Inspire and educate
Inspire and educate
Trainingtomorrow's scientists and engineers and promoting the uptake of careers in STEM is part of CERN’s mission
The CERN Convention recognised the important role that the Laboratory could play in training future scientists and engineers. Indeed, CERN offers a unique environment for learning and training – a rich and stimulating melting pot of people and ideas including exceptional opportunities.
As a large accelerator laboratory, CERN relies on expertise in many engineering subjects, all of which feature in the recruitment and training programmes for undergraduates to doctoral students. There are opportunities for students in applied physics, engineering and computing to learn on the job at CERN and for technicians to train in fields at the cutting edge of technology. The comprehensive range of training schemes and fellowships attracts many talented young scientists and engineers to the Laboratory. Many go on to find careers in industry, where their experience of working in a high-tech, multi-national environment is highly valued. The Laboratory also runs a summer programme for undergraduate students. For professionals further on in their careers, CERN organises highly regarded schools in particle physics, computing, and accelerators.
Moreover, CERN’s education and outreach programmes target learners of all ages, in particular high-school students and high-school teachers. Specifically, CERN Teacher Programmes offer professional development for science teachers from around the world. High-school students can take part in the Beamline for Schools competition, encouraging them to propose an experiment to carry out at a real research laboratory. Moreover, the CERN-Solvay Education Programme offers online learning resources as well as an international student camp. All of CERN’s education opportunities for high-school students and high-school teachers are supported by and further developed through by Physics Education Research.