- Added: Official Linux Build!
- Added: CMakeLists.txt for building linux
- Added: Half-Life support and for now deathmatch only, works on Opposing Force too but bots cant use new weapons
- Added: New waypoint analyzer, works like NavMesh
- Added: If map doesn't have waypoints ebot will automatically start generating waypoints, useful for servers
- Removed: SSE2 support, fallback to Q3 algorithm
- Fixed: Pathfinding Cost calculated wrongly and causing more cpu usage
- Fixed: Bots aiming upper head and missing shots
- Fixed: Bots do not pickup weapons & hostages
- Fixed: Sometimes human bots do not escape if zombie is near
- Changed bot nav handling for performance
- Improved gameplay for base modes
- More performance improvements
- More console commands
- Updated config
Known Bugs:
First bot never had a ping
Bots start moving slower on too high fps values (higher than 500)
Linux versionMUST be compiled withCLANG compiler to get it work, otherwise game willCRASH when bots see/attack enemy