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I'd love to play with the original controller. Is it something I can buy, or build?

put something to cover up your hand while play it youll deal with a little of the phantom limb its terryifying if you dont expect it

My computer has a problem with the keyboard - it doesn't tipe letters w s x and number 2 (I use a virtual keyboard for that). How can I change the controls in this game? I really wanna try it!

it doesnt let me put all fingers down at the same time

Would anyone happen to have footage of the live controller?

what Is the alternative controller? is it a VR one or something different

It was made specific for the game. There is a short GIF on the gamepage showcasing it a bit. It's a large black box that you stick your arm into to play.

how does it works?

I'm guessing instead of pressing keys, you move your fingers while they're inside the box

It's actually much simpler! It's long, thin metallic switches that you press with your finger tips. They are positioned in a way that you'll curl your fingers in a similar way to what is displayed on screen. It was made using an Arduino Uno kit, it's not overly complicated but still very effective at creating a sense of unease through it's presentation/tactility.

was there any tactile feedback from the game at all in the alternate controller? or did it basically just use mind over matter to make you think you felt things?

I love the concept and how creepy this got. If this was real I would have been terrified if my arm was still intact.

Interesting concept.

Comments below clip:

I always pride myself in designing the front cover of any and all of my channel's uploads. However, after playing/recording your game, I had no option but give you guys the credit you so rightfully deserve and use your design instead. After having waded through so much blood, gore and death, your guys' game deserves the highest accolades I can think of. I can only give you a 5 star rating once, but in actuality you guys deserve many more.

What a wonderful game.

Thank you so much for the great time I had playing it. Kudos to all involved!

Surprisignly effective at creeping me out! I'd love to see more of this, specifically the story further expanded!

I hope you show this to Nottingham contemporary as i would love to see this in a art museum

Wish I had this Alternative controller! I wonder if it would mess with your hands by sending electric shocks and other stimulation.

Beautiful concept. Thank you for making a PC version. 


Very interesting game. 

Very nice robot narrated game.

I love how all the other games on your itch page are all colourful and pastel, then there's this hands on horror game right at the top,
a very interesting project!
Is there any code for the physical controller?
Would be nice to customise it or even expand the story and possible inputs you can make for the game.

Hi Duncan,

Would you want to colab on a MR port for the quest?

I would love to try this with finger tracking on the Quest!

I can only imagine this would be absolutely harrowing played with the intended controller. One suggestion if possible- for the itch build, replace the upward right hand with a down-facing left hand.

was thinking about that myself. It's not too big of a deal for it to stay how it is, but I'm not sure how it'd affect gameplay too much to change it.

it would be easier to play the game for players since the keybinds would follow naturally between what you're using and what you see on screen

I gave it another go with this in mind, and I think I actually prefer it how it is. Maybe it conflicts for some people, but I'd much rather see the fingers and palm, especially with how well the interactions between them were done.·View all by Duncan Corrigan·Report·Embed

