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Download MariaDB Server

MariaDB Server is one of the world’s most popular open source relational databases and is available in the standard repositories of all major Linux distributions. Look for the package mariadb-server using the package manager of your operating system. Alternatively you can use the following resources:

We encourage you to try it out and see whether it will work in your application. You can offer feedback in theform of bug reports, feature requests on JIRA and share use cases onZulip or themailing lists. Any will help improve future MariaDB Server versions!

MariaDB Server
MariaDB Server Repositories

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If the mirror is down or returns 'file not found', clickhere to try a different mirror or return to the downloads page and select a new mirror.

You will be redirected to theMariaDB Knowledge Base once your download has started.

MariaDB Foundation provides packages for MariaDB versions newer than the version provided by the distribution only.

Remember to give us a star on GitHub


To help with automating downloads of MariaDB Server and related files, MariaDB Foundation has exposed a REST API.

Reporting bugs

TheReporting Bugs page on the Knowledge Base has details on how to report a bug.

The developers are generally happy to help with verifying bugs. If you need help, ask onZulip, or on themaria-developers mailing list.

If the bug is repeatable, it is very helpful if you create a test case for the bug for use withmysql-test-run. SeeDebugging MariaDB with mysql-test-run for more information.

For End of Life releases, MariaDB Foundation will not provide security updates, howeveroutside contributors are welcome to submit security and bug fixes and backports to no-longer maintained versions.

