
cvui is a (very) simple UI lib built on top of OpenCV drawing primitives. Other UI libs, such asimgui, require a graphical backend (e.g. OpenGL) to work, so if you want to use imgui in a OpenCV app, you must make it OpenGL enabled, for instance.

It is not the case with cvui, which usesonly OpenCV drawing primitives to do all the rendering (no OpenGL or Qt required).



  • Lightweight and simple to use user interface;
  • Header-only with no external dependencies (except OpenCV);
  • Based on OpenCV drawing primitives only (OpenGL or Qt are not required);
  • Friendly and C-like API (no classes/objects, etc);
  • Easily render components without worrying about their position (using rows/columns);
  • Simple (yet powerful) mouse API;
  • Modest number of UI components (11 in total);
  • Available in C++ and Python (pure implementation, no bindings).

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