


Plants Vs Zombies 2 First Person  🎄🎄🎄

Plants Vs Zombies 2 First Person 🎄🎄🎄

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pls continue updating this

You can add a PvZ Garden Warfare type mode, that is, as a garden operation?

the game keeps spamming tooooo much zombies its hard to beat level 1


Game is great, had a lot of fun. Although, I would like to request for a graphics settings. I still play in constant lag but it just makes gameplays less fun. Could you maybe give an ability to toggle shadows, blooms, etc. like this game absolutely looks good with this plain cartoonish even without the shaders like on the early screenshots maybe that would be cool. Please, and thank you.

Hello, how can I lower the volume of the music? I can't find the audio options.

Please can you add mac support? This looks amazing but I have a mac, but from what iv seen on YT it looks really fun, thanks!

Yeah, I should be able to get that out tonight.

nvm, its not giving me the mac option when I build the game

can you add a multiplayer mode you can start a lobby and get a code and you can enter codes but this level is infinite and it gets harder

making multiplayer would require rewriting a ton of the code, maybe once the game is complete but multiplayer is definitely not something I can do rn.

This game is awesome! I like how you added some things that aren't in the original pvz 2 game! although the game is a bit too hard because the game isn't afraid to spam zombies, place 2 gargantuars, and place attacking plants more than sunflowers.

Join if you wanna see progress updates and announcements about the game's development! (link was updated)

fixed the link

Invite Invalid, set the discord link to never expire, it defaults to one day expiration if you don't change it

damn, I thought I did, I'll put a new one up in a sec·View all by Dot-e·Report·Embed

