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You can pass the Bridge Troll, the Restless Spirit, and the Lava Wyrm. To skip the troll, you have to climb up the slanted wall. Normally you'll just slide off, but if you attack you'll stop sliding and can jump before you start sliding again. The most practical way to do this is to attack and jump at about the same time. I skip the spirit in the same way on the top right slant but it's a bit different. If you just jump up and to the right as far as you can, the game basically softlocks. You don't advance screens and you are nowhere to be seen. So what I do is jumnp once to the right and then time a jump to the left offscreen. This makes you leave the room from the top and I guess the game doesn't care which way you leave the screen as long as you leave it. I tried a couple different ways to skip the wyrm, including trying to damage-boost across the gap by praying the wyrm moved to the right with me, but it didn't work. Then I realized you can jump off the lava as soon as you hit it. So I just jump off the spawn platform and then off the lave before the wyrm even appears
3 other cool things I found
In the slime boss fight, it's possible to beat the slime without the slime rising. you can hit it for 36 damage, then defeat it in one appearance while you're on 1hp.
In the room before the reflection boss when you first see your reflection, you can inch yourself towards the right end of the screen and fall to the bottom, switching spots with the reflection. You can no longer see yourself, but just move to the right and you'll go to the bossfight.
In the room before the lava wyrm boss, you can finagle your way into the walls by jumping into the slants on the left and right parts of the walls
I love your game! Thanks for making it :)
I hope this message finds you well. I recently played your game on itch.io and really enjoyed it. I am interested in commissioning a custom game and would like to know if this is something you would be able to do. Could you please let me know your availability and pricing for such a project?Also if you can share me your email to more private messages
Thank you!
1 boss looks HORRIFING (good way)
2 boss is ez if u cheat it(Spooky OOOOOoooOoooOOoOOoOo)
3 boss is ez until the black part comes then 2nd phase is ez( He looks like a child)
4 boss confuses me but i guess it was just a baby( he was playing snake)
in 5 boss i bug it by spamming ( got upsidedown didnt affect gameplay nor the rest of the figth only lasted for the 1 attack)
6 Cool mirror effect took me by suprise and then got lucky on last phase 3 tryes (nice)
and the ending is perfect.
HA, you got the bug-slime, it is so hilarious to watch and I would really like to know why that happens (I got it just by walking in some precise placements, it is not spamming), I got it a lot of times when I was grinding for Iron Man mode.
Also I agree with all of your points, though cheating boss 2 isn't that hard, it just requires getting down to 1 Hp and surviving.
If you go very aggressive on the "phase" where his tentacles move in a random direction and you attack every single time that it is possible then you can get to the actual phase 2 unharmed and with him only being able to pull 2 attacks of phase one, then it is just timing your jumps and going left from time to time to avoid being hit and you can defeat the boss hitless just like that!!
there is a way to time your jumps so that you can always dodge the fireballs by tapping the opposite direction of the one that you are facing after you begin the jump, also if you are fast enough you can get some hits on him before the screen turns black by jumping off the platforms at the side of the board.
Si te gustan los plataformas, con estilo retro y con un sinfín de bosses a derrotar, sin duda, este SWEET HELL es para ti y en este GAMEPLAY te enseñamos por qué. Tu hermano ha usurpado tu trono, reuniendo una formidable defensa de monstruos legendarios. Ocho jefes te esperan en este juego, que es tan desafiante como el mismísimo infierno.
This game is absolute fire! From the first boss you know how the tone is going to be, unfair, devious, creatures are between you and the throne and there is only one way to the top.
Is incredible how much can be said with just sprites and gameplay! I felt that struggle and the final scene makes it all worth it.
The battles mechanically are impressive I haven't had this much fun with a game in such a long time, it took me back to the classics, tight controls, excellent music and sound effects it all worked together to sell the experience.
If there was more of this I would eat it up in an instant! It makes me imagine and that in itself is enough for me to give it high marks!
i found one that kicksass for my android 7.0 it's called PocketGameDeveloper Comes With Everything Even The Ability To Make Your Own In Game music And Easily Create Your Own Touchscreen Layout No Coding Required Everythings In The UI Of the App Itself Thats For My Android Tho Now I Will See If I Can Get Godot Or something Similar In my Iphone 12 today;)
I would recommend you first start with learning how to do Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript. If you listen to other JS developers online, you will hear a lot about how Functional Programming is so much better than OOP. Those people usually do not make games and their opinion on OOP can be ignored. OOP is the best fit for games since most things in the world can naturally be represented as objects.
So you learn how do OOP using classes in ES6. Now you can represent things in your game as objects such as a Player, Enemy etc.. You can use inheritance if you need multiple objects to use the same foundation. For example, in my games every object inherits from an Entity class, which contains an update/draw/destroy function.
Use the ES6 module system since it's the modern way to handle multiple imports in JS today. I like to name my modules after their class names like this:
player.class.js:export default class Player {}game.js:import Player from './player.class.js';const player = new Player();
This is my own personal opinion and many people do not agree with me, but I think it's okay to use fake encapsulation in JS as long as it is only done for code organization and you understand it doesn't actual protect the variables.
export default class Player { constructor() { this._x = 0; // _ implies private, so don't access this member outside the class this._y = 0; }}
Then you decide on what type of rendering engine you want.
<html><body><canvas></canvas><image src="./test" /><script>const image = document.querySelector('image');const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");const context = canvas.getContext("2d");canvas.width = 500;canvas.height = 500;context.drawImage(image, 50, 50);</script></body></html>
I prefer to load imagesusing the Javascript fetch command rather than embedding them in the document.
You can create a "main loop" for your game using requestAnimationFrame:
let lastTime = 0;const update = time => { const elapsedSeconds = Math.min(maxTimestep, (time - lastTime) / 1000); lastTime = time; // Update and draw your entire game here update(); draw(); requestAnimationFrame(update);}
And that's pretty much it. The 2D canvas can be used to make both games like this with bitmap graphics or vector-based games using primitive line/shape drawing.
You sorta can. You can use WebView to embed a web browser in an app, or something like Cordova/PhoneGap/Tauri. The iOS web browser has been nerfed on purpose so that it can't really compete with apps, at least in the past. I don't know what the current state is.
Though it isn't quite optimal. If you want to make a game for Android/iOS/PC/Linux it's easier to get started with Godot (or Unity).
i found one that kicksass for my android 7.0 it's called PocketGameDeveloper Comes With Everything Even The Ability To Make Your Own In Game music And Easily Create Your Own Touchscreen Layout No Coding Required Everythings In The UI Of the App Itself Thats For My Android Tho Now I Will See If I Can Get Godot Or something Similar In my Iphone 12 today;)
i found one that kicksass for my android 7.0 it's called PocketGameDeveloper Comes With Everything Even The Ability To Make Your Own In Game music And Easily Create Your Own Touchscreen Layout No Coding Required Everythings In The UI Of the App Itself Thats For My Android Tho Now I Will See If I Can Get Godot Or something Similar In my Iphone 12 today;)
i found one that kicksass for my android 7.0 it's called PocketGameDeveloper Comes With Everything Even The Ability To Make Your Own In Game music And Easily Create Your Own Touchscreen Layout No Coding Required Everythings In The UI Of the App Itself Thats For My Android Tho Now I Will See If I Can Get Godot Or something Similar In my Iphone 12 today;)
i found one that kicksass for my android 7.0 it's called PocketGameDeveloper Comes With Everything Even The Ability To Make Your Own In Game music And Easily Create Your Own Touchscreen Layout No Coding Required Everythings In The UI Of the App Itself Thats For My Android Tho Now I Will See If I Can Get Godot Or something Similar In my Iphone 12 today;)
i found one that kicksass for my android 7.0 it's called PocketGameDeveloper Comes With Everything Even The Ability To Make Your Own In Game music And Easily Create Your Own Touchscreen Layout No Coding Required Everythings In The UI Of the App Itself Thats For My Android Tho Now I Will See If I Can Get Godot Or something Similar In my Iphone 12 today;)