



How To Play : 

You will be given a series of sand castles which you need to recreate. You can use the tools on the right hand side to place and destroy sand. To submit your castle you must press "Confirm" before the timer runs out. A flag will fall and if even a single part is incorrect it will break the entire thing in one hit and you must start again.

All castles are completely symmetrical and you should assume that no tower is hollow.

Controls :

1, 2, 3, 4  - All equip their respective tools

esc - Returns to the menu (doesnt save progress)

Scroll Wheel - Zoom in/out

Right Mouse - Rotate camera around origin

Left Mouse - Use equipped tool / Press button

Attribution For Icons : 

Sand icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Sand icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Spade icons created by Tempo_doloe - Flaticon


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This is a really challenging yet unique game! The time limits were a little strict and I think it would benefit greatly from better viewing controls like panning. But overall a really interesting concept! I can imagine this concept being used in a more casual setting like following blueprints exactly to create large voxel structures.

Good job! :D·View all by DomCripps·Report·Embed

