the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Carl Friedrich Gauss –General Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism – a revised translation of the German text
Abstract. This is a translation of theAllgemeine Theorie des Erdmagnetismus published by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1839 in theResultate aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins im Jahre 1838. The current translation is based on an earlier translation by Elizabeth Juliana Sabine published in 1841. This earlier translation has been revised, corrected, and extended. Numerous biographical comments on the scientists named in the original text have been added as well as further information on the observational material used by Carl Friedrich Gauss. An attempt is made to provide a readable text to a wider scientific community, a text laying the foundation of today's understanding of planetary magnetic fields.