Home /Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, Volume 54, Numbers 1-3

Urticaceae for the non-specialist: Identification in the Flora Malesiana region, Indochina and Thailand
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Author:Wilmot-Dear, C.M.
Source:Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, Volume 54, Numbers 1-3, 2009, pp.233-241(9)
Publisher:Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Urticaceae comprises five tribes. Most specimens can be identified to tribe, many to genus, by the nonspecialist. Keys are provided to the tribes and to the genera within each tribe, based on the more easily observable diagnostic characters. Additional notes to each genus arealso given.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date:01 October 2009
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- Blumea is an international journal on the biodiversity, evolution and biogeography of plants, including topics on systematics, floristics, phylogeny, morphology and anatomy. For floristic studies, the focus is on tropical Africa south of the Sahara, tropical Southeast Asia with a strong emphasis on Malesia, and South America with emphasis on the Guianas. Papers in Blumea are subjected to peer review and are in English. Blumea is published three times a year, comprising c. 300 pages in total.
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