Water for Tomorrow: A Living Lab on the Creation of the Science-Policy-Stakeholder Interface
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Methodology
3.1. The Systems Innovation Approach
3.2. The Living Labs
- First, the existing situation with all problems identified in the study area was presented and analyzed, in order to reach a common understanding of connections and of the diverse perspectives of all stakeholders;
- Starting from a common ground regarding the perception of problems and the management objectives, the existing approaches and measures were presented, analyzed and evaluated;
- Next, most stakeholders presented their own projects, experiences, initiatives, etc., and the progress of each was further discussed.
4. Application of the SIA Framework and Insights
5. Co-Development of Recommendations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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March 2021 Goals of living labs, introductions and expectations | April 2021 Understanding the challenges and their consequences from a cross-disciplinary perspective | May 2021 Understanding the different stakeholders’ views and reaching to a holistic description of challenges | June 2021 Understanding and evaluating various policy measures-actions (existing and proposed ones) |
July 2021 Understanding the implemented projects, their results, comparison with international cases | August 2021 - | September 2021 Understanding what went wrong in the past (obstacles for works, policies, initiatives, engagement) | October 2021 Supply and Demand Management and policy ground to support them |
November 2021 Examples of stakeholders’ experience, knowledge, applied projects (no.1) | December 2021 Examples of stakeholders’ experience (no.2): fields for cooperation | January 2022 Balancing supply and demand—working towards a unifying framework | February 2022 Sustainability vision development (policy and economic instruments) |
March 2022 Ideation of the suggested actions, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses | April 2022 Building the policy recommendations framework | May 2022 Framing the policy recommendations in the broader picture | June 2022 Building partnerships—Dissemination plan |
Recommendation A: Upgrade of Geopuli (geospatial information platform by the Greek Ministry) as a water management application—geospatial database, interconnected with the relevant institutions, with a series of services to be provided through a digital interactive map. |
Recommendation B: Development of an electronic library—repository of relevant studies. |
Recommendation C: Development of a platform (accompanying Geopuli) with detailed information and data (quantitative/qualitative status, pressures, measures, progress of the River Basin Management Plans—RBMPs) for each basin of Thessaly (with the corresponding water bodies)—Compilation of detailed reports for each basin. |
Recommendation D:
Recommendation E: Establishment of ongoing cooperation of an advisory nature between academic institutions—research institutes (engineers, agronomists, economists) and the relevant Ministries (Ministry of Environment and Energy, General secretariat of natural environment and water and Ministry of rural development and food). For example, the Agricultural University of Athens is already an official advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The scientific community must be heard by the political leadership and their cooperation is expected to bring multiple benefits at many levels. |
Recommendation F: Cooperation through meetings on a regular basis between the central and regional authorities (respective services of the General Water Secretariat and the Region of Thessaly, but also OLRs when necessary). The process should focus on covering the existing gaps for the implementation of the actions. The transparency and data that proposals A, B, C will be able to provide, offer material for meaningful cooperation oriented towards the objectives of improving the situation in Thessaly. A prerequisite for this is to adapt the skills of the relevant services in order to cope with the complexity of water management challenges. This need is documented by the lack of progress of the measures proposed in the RBMPs, the inability of appropriate and corresponding planning of actions by the Prefecture, the inability to make use of available information, tools and funds for EU projects, the poor state of the infrastructure managed by the OLRs, the lack of data and monitoring, the lack of the necessary scientific approach and support, the lack of funding, (and/or appropriately trained) staff and therefore the inability to make use of the available information, tools and funds. |
Recommendation G:
Recommendation H: Trust those that have knowledge in the fields of irrigation water management, environment, agriculture and rural economy to do their work. Many of the proposals formulated during the workshops are comprehensive, can improve the current situation and should therefore be taken seriously into account. Such proposals have the support of the participants in this project:
Recommendation I (supply management): study, coordination of project planningand management in order to carry out rational water supply management projects. Completion and operation of unfinished and underutilized projects is a priority. In addition, the creation of individual (local) reservoirs for the exploitation of surface renewable water resources must be taken into serious consideration. |
Recommendation J (demand management): Demand management measures are equally important and necessary and, as analyzed, can target at several levels. The actions below have been discussed in the project and are considered feasible and applicable:
Recommendation K (Monitoring, Modelling & DSS): Exploitation of available data through analytical models: surface and groundwater hydrology models, water demand assessment models, accounting models for production costs–profit–production–water costs, forecasting models (e.g., climate change), management models to compare alternative scenarios (new/alternative water supply sources, demand reduction—conservation, optimal water allocation, cost-effectiveness of investments, etc.). Such models are intended to assist decision making and are known as Decision Support Systems (DSS). |
Recommendation L: Formulate a simple outline of the structure of the authorities and their respective responsibilities and a table of the people responsible for each service (their roles and contact details). These should be transparent and readily available to each water management body. Thus, each stakeholder will be able to communicate regularly and be informed about the progress of the measures-action (progress tracking), thus strengthening the cooperation between them, identifying actions and initiatives to overcome any implementation obstacles, but also providing a sense of ownership and accountability and implementation of projects, for all the participants and the bodies represented. |
Recommendation M: Formulate policies that promote the concept of interconnected (rather than competing) water–food–energy–economy–justice systems and apply such practices based on the circular production model and regenerative food-energy systems. The international scientific community promotes this approach as the only pathway to solutions and policies that are cheaper (cost-effective), environmentally friendly (water use and pollution), circular, with zero greenhouse gases emissions, better for human health and food systems, with equity and justice in access to resources and distribution of wealth. Renewable energy sources (wind, solar and hydropower), their combined rather than unilateral use, their storage, energy autonomy and use in circular economy and agricultural production models, as well as combined solutions for efficient use of water resources, energy and low emissions of pollutants and carbon, must be adopted. |
Recommendations | Areas of Focus/Targets |
A, B, C | Data, Information, Transparency |
D, E, F | Stakeholder engagement |
G |
A, B, C, G, H |
I | Water supply management |
J | Water demand management |
K | Monitoring, modelling and use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) |
L | Ensuring managerial control and progress monitoring |
M |
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Share and Cite
Alamanos, A.; Koundouri, P.; Papadaki, L.; Pliakou, T.; Toli, E. Water for Tomorrow: A Living Lab on the Creation of the Science-Policy-Stakeholder Interface.Water2022,14, 2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14182879
Alamanos A, Koundouri P, Papadaki L, Pliakou T, Toli E. Water for Tomorrow: A Living Lab on the Creation of the Science-Policy-Stakeholder Interface.Water. 2022; 14(18):2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14182879
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlamanos, Angelos, Phoebe Koundouri, Lydia Papadaki, Tatiana Pliakou, and Eleni Toli. 2022. "Water for Tomorrow: A Living Lab on the Creation of the Science-Policy-Stakeholder Interface"Water 14, no. 18: 2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14182879
APA StyleAlamanos, A., Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L., Pliakou, T., & Toli, E. (2022). Water for Tomorrow: A Living Lab on the Creation of the Science-Policy-Stakeholder Interface.Water,14(18), 2879. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14182879