Open Georeferenced Field Data on Forest Types and Species for Biodiversity Assessment and Remote Sensing Applications
:1. Summary
2. Data Description
2.1. Plot Data and Metadata
2.2. Species Data
3. Methods
- Forest type—It was classified on the basis of the dominant species or group of species in terms of crown cover and the classification system adopted by the Italian NFI, which includes 17 forest types, 7 of which are predominantly coniferous, 7 were predominantly deciduous broadleaf, and the remaining 3 were predominantly evergreen broadleaf [6,11]; in the presence of many species, forest type classification was achieved through several regularly spaced recordings of the tree species of the upper layer along two transects arranged orthogonally on the plot.
- Crown cover—It was estimated as the proportion of the plot area covered by the crowns’ projections on the ground; it was recorded by percentage classes, specifically for total cover, tree cover, and shrub cover; total cover is the percent of the plot ground covered by the projection of the trees and shrubs crowns as viewed from above (the overlapping crowns are counted once); tree cover is the percent canopy cover due to the projection of the tree crowns and shrub cover due to the projection of shrubs crowns not overlapped by tree crowns; the distinction between trees and shrubs is species-dependent, as reported in the Italian NFI; tree regeneration was considered as shrubs when the diameter at breast height (DBH) was less than 4.5 cm; only shrubs and trees at least 50 cm tall were assessed, consistently with the NFI protocol [11].
- Tree species coverage/composition—Crowns’ projections of the five main tree species found in the plot were estimated by 10% wide classes, specifically for the dominant and the understory layer. We limited the tree species to forty-eight because we worked on restricted areas, and additional tree species were recorded as “other conifer” or “other broadleaf”.
- Pure/mixed condition—A stand is classified as pure conifers if the crown cover of the coniferous species reaches at least 75%, pure broadleaved if the crown cover of the broadleaves reaches at least 75%, and mixed if neither conifers nor broadleaves reach that value.
- Crown layers—One layer or two layer conditions were recorded.
- Silvicultural system and development stage—The silvicultural system was classified based on nine classes by combining information on the trees’ origins (from seed or suckers, or a mixture of the two) and adopted silvicultural practices; the stage of development was recorded by fourteen classes based on visual assessment as well as the age class for even-aged stands.
- Local land position—The local land position in relation to the morphology of the area was assessed based on five classes.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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NFI Code | Forest Type Name | CORINE Biotopes | EUNIS | Species |
1 | Larch and stone pine forest | 42.3 | G3.2 | Larix decidua Mill.,Pinus cembra L.,Picea abies Karst. |
2 | Norway spruce forest | 42.2 | G3.1 | Picea abies Karst.,Larix decidua Mill.,Fagus sylvatica L. |
3 | Fir forests | 42.1 | G3.1 | Abies alba Mill.,Picea abies Karst.,Fagus sylvatica L. |
4 | Scots pine and mountain pine forest | 42.5, 42.4 | G3.3, G3.4 | Pinus sylvestris L.,Picea abies Karst.,Fagus sylvatica L. |
5 | Black pines forest | 42.6, 42.7 | G3.5, G3.6 | Pinus nigra Arn.,Quercus pubescens Willd.,Quercus cerris L. |
8 | Beech forest | 41.1 | G1.6 | Fagus sylvatica L., Larix decidua Mill.,Picea abies Karst. |
9 | Temperate oaks forest | 41.2, 41.7 | G1.7, G1.8 | Quercus pubescens Willd.,Ostrya carpinifolia L.,Fraxinus ornus L. |
10 | Mediterranean oaks forest | 41.7 | G1.7 | Quercus cerris L.,Quercus pubescens Willd.,Quercus frainetto Ten. |
11 | Chestnut forest | 41.9, 41.5 | G1.7 | Castanea sativa Mill., Alnus cordata Loisel.,Quercus cerris L. |
12 | Hornbeam and Hophornbeam forest | 41.8, 41.2 | G1.7 | Ostrya carpinifolia L.,Quercus cerris L.,Fraxinus ornus L. |
15 | Holm oak forest | 41.8, 41.2 | G1.7 | Quercus ilex L.,Fraxinus ornus L.,Quercus cerris L. |
Forest Type | Study Area | For_sys2 | Dev_stg3 | N_layers | Land_p4 | ||
CE_AL | C_AP | S_AP | |||||
Larch and stone pine forest | 66 | - | - | 6-7-8 | 7-8 | one | 1-3 |
Norway spruce forest | 88 | - | - | 6-7-8 | 6-7-8 | one | 1-3-5 |
Fir forests | 50 | - | - | 1-6-8 | 1-7-8 | one or two | 1-3 |
Scots pine and mountain pine forest | 69 | - | - | 6-8 | 7-8 | one or two | 1-3 |
Black pines forest | 11 | 72 | - | 6 | 7-8 | one or two | 1-3 |
Beech forest | 58 | - | 87 | 1-2-5-6-7-8-10 | 1-2-3-7-8 | one | 1-3 |
Temperate oaks forest | - | 63 | - | 2-5-8-10 | 1-2-3-7-13 | one | 1-3 |
Mediterranean oaks forest | - | 70 | 79 | 2-5-6-10 | 1-2-3-6-7 | one or two | 1-3 |
Chestnut forest | - | - | 63 | 1-2-5-8 | 1-2-3-14 | one | 1-3 |
Hornbeam and Hophornbeam forest | 26 | 70 | - | 1-2-5-10 | 1-2-3-7-13 | one | 1-3 |
Holm oak forest | - | 62 | - | 1-2-3-5-10 | 1-2-3 | one | 1-3 |
Totals | 368 | 337 | 229 | - | - | - | - |
Forest Type | Number of Plots by Number of Tree Species | Crown Cover by Most Widespread Tree Species (%, Min-Max) | ||||||||
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | |
Larch and stone pine forest | 23 | 18 | 23 | 1 | 1 | 11–100 | <10–30 | <10–20 | ≤10 | ≤10 |
Norway spruce forest | 28 | 37 | 19 | 4 | 0 | 21–90 | <10–30 | <10–20 | ≤10 | - |
Fir forests | 6 | 32 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 21–90 | <10–40 | <10–20 | - | - |
Scots pine and mountain pine forest | 20 | 16 | 14 | 13 | 6 | 21–100 | <10–30 | <10–20 | <10–20 | ≤10 |
Black pines forest | 17 | 27 | 21 | 11 | 7 | 21–100 | <10–30 | <10–20 | ≤10 | ≤10 |
Beech forest | 66 | 41 | 26 | 12 | 0 | 21–100 | <10–50 | <10–20 | <10–20 | - |
Temperate oaks forest | 0 | 10 | 30 | 21 | 2 | 21–70 | <10–40 | <10–20 | <10 | ≤10 |
Mediterranean oaks forest | 16 | 56 | 51 | 22 | 4 | 11–90 | <10–50 | <10–30 | ≤10 | <10–20 |
Chestnut forest | 34 | 21 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 41–100 | <10–30 | <10–20 | ≤10 | - |
Hornbeam and Hophornbeam forest | 0 | 3 | 37 | 45 | 11 | 21–80 | <10–40 | <10–20 | <10–20 | ≤10 |
Holm oak forest | 9 | 13 | 25 | 15 | 0 | 11–90 | <10–40 | <10–20 | ≤10 | - |
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Gasparini, P.; Di Cosmo, L.; Floris, A.; Murgia, F.; Rizzo, M. Open Georeferenced Field Data on Forest Types and Species for Biodiversity Assessment and Remote Sensing Applications.Data2025,10, 30.
Gasparini P, Di Cosmo L, Floris A, Murgia F, Rizzo M. Open Georeferenced Field Data on Forest Types and Species for Biodiversity Assessment and Remote Sensing Applications.Data. 2025; 10(3):30.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGasparini, Patrizia, Lucio Di Cosmo, Antonio Floris, Federica Murgia, and Maria Rizzo. 2025. "Open Georeferenced Field Data on Forest Types and Species for Biodiversity Assessment and Remote Sensing Applications"Data 10, no. 3: 30.
APA StyleGasparini, P., Di Cosmo, L., Floris, A., Murgia, F., & Rizzo, M. (2025). Open Georeferenced Field Data on Forest Types and Species for Biodiversity Assessment and Remote Sensing Applications.Data,10(3), 30.