Next-Generation Sequencing Technology: Current Trends and Advancements

:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Generations of Sequencing Technologies
2.1. First-Generation Sequencing Technology
2.2. Second-Generation Sequencing Technologies
2.3. Third-Generation Sequencing
Long-Read and Short-Read Sequencing
3. Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Omics
3.1. Genomics
3.1.1. Whole-Genome Sequencing
3.1.2. Whole-Exome Sequencing
3.1.3. Targeted Sequencing
3.2. Transcriptomics
- (a)
- mRNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq): RNA-seq is a widely used NGS application in transcriptomics. It involves the sequencing and quantification of mRNA molecules, providing a comprehensive snapshot of the expressed genes in a biological sample. By generating millions of short sequencing reads, NGS allows researchers to identify and quantify gene expression levels accurately. RNA-seq data can be analyzed to detect differential gene expression between different conditions, discover novel transcripts, assess alternative splicing events, and study gene expression dynamics over time or across different tissues or cell types [44,45].
- (b)
- Alternative Splicing Analysis: Alternative splicing, a process in which a single gene can generate multiple mRNA isoforms, significantly contributes to transcriptome complexity. NGS provides the ability to study alternative splicing patterns comprehensively. By aligning RNA-seq reads to the reference genome, researchers can identify splice junctions and detect alternative splicing events. This information allows for the quantification and characterization of transcript isoforms, providing insights into isoform diversity, tissue-specific expression, and the functional implications of alternative splicing [46].
- (c)
- Long Non-Coding RNA (lncRNA) and Small-RNA Analysis: NGS facilitates the study of non-coding RNAs, which play critical roles in gene regulation. Techniques such as small-RNA sequencing and long non-coding RNA sequencing enable the identification and characterization of various classes of non-coding RNAs. Small-RNA sequencing allows the profiling of small regulatory RNAs, including microRNAs, piRNAs, and snoRNAs, providing insights into their roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Long non-coding RNA sequencing enables the identification and analysis of long non-coding RNA transcripts, which have been implicated in diverse biological processes and diseases [47,48,49]. Long RNA-seq reads can inform about the connectivity between multiple exons and reveal sequence variations (SNPs) in the transcribed region [50]. Small-RNA sequencing is a non-targeted approach that allows the detection of novel miRNA and other small RNAs [51]. The transcriptome with ChIP-seq studies in cancer biology has helped to understand the emerging role of ncRNAs such as sncRNAs and lncRNA in gene regulation mechanisms during carcinogenesis/cancer progression [52,53,54].
- (d)
- Transcriptome Assembly and Annotation: NGS data can be utilized to reconstruct and annotate the transcriptome of an organism. By aligning RNA-seq reads to a reference genome or using de novo assembly approaches, researchers can identify novel transcripts, splice variants, untranslated regions, and other transcript features. This information enhances our understanding of the transcriptome’s complexity and improves the annotation of reference genomes, enabling the discovery of previously unknown genes and regulatory elements [55].
- (e)
- Single-Cell Transcriptomics: NGS has facilitated the emergence of single-cell transcriptomics, enabling the study of gene expression profiles at the individual cell level. Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-Seq) technologies allow the profiling of transcriptomes from individual cells, providing insights into cellular heterogeneity, cell type identification, cell lineage analysis, and gene expression dynamics in complex tissues or developmental processes [56,57].
- (f)
- Integrative Transcriptomics: NGS data from transcriptomics can be integrated with other omics data, such as genomics, epigenomics, and proteomics, to gain a comprehensive understanding of gene regulation and biological processes. Integrative approaches provide a system-level view of molecular interactions and enable the identification of key regulatory mechanisms underlying cellular processes and diseases [56].
3.3. Epigenomics
- (a)
- DNA Methylation Profiling: DNA methylation is a crucial epigenetic modification that plays a critical role in gene regulation and cellular processes. NGS enables genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation patterns at single-nucleotide resolution [67]. Several strategies, such as whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS), leverage NGS to identify methylated cytosines [68]. However, RRBS is based on enriching methylated genomic regions using restriction enzymatic digestion [66,69]. These methods allow researchers to study DNA methylation dynamics, uncover differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with diseases, and understand the impact of methylation on gene expression.
- (b)
- Chromatin Accessibility Mapping: NGS-based techniques, such as assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq) and DNase-seq, enable the genome-wide profiling of chromatin accessibility. These methods identify regions of the genome that are accessible to DNA-binding proteins and transcription factors, providing insights into gene regulatory elements, enhancers, and promoters. By combining chromatin accessibility data with other epigenetic modifications, gene expression data, and transcription factor binding data, researchers can unravel the functional elements within the genome [70,71].
- (c)
- Histone Modification Analysis: Histone modifications, including acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, and more, are critical epigenetic marks that regulate chromatin structure and gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) enables genome-wide profiling of histone modifications by antibody-based pull down of the protein followed by enrichment of DNA bound to the protein and sequencing. This technique finds application in many different areas of research, such as transcription factor (TF) binding site identification, histone modification analysis of the DNA, and DNA methylation. For studying histone modifications, antibodies targeted to histone modifications are used to pull down the DNA and sequenced using the NGS technique. The resulting reads are aligned to the reference genome, enabling the identification of histone modification patterns at specific genomic regions. ChIP-Seq can provide insights into the epigenetic regulation of gene expression, chromatin states, and the identification of enhancers and other regulatory elements [72,73,74,75].
- (d)
- Chromatin Conformation Analysis: NGS-based techniques, such as Hi-C and 4C-seq, allow the investigation of 3D chromatin organization and interactions. These methods capture long-range chromatin interactions and enable the construction of chromatin interaction maps [76,77]. By integrating 3D chromatin conformation data with epigenetic modifications, gene expression data, and functional annotations, researchers can gain insights into the spatial organization of the genome and understand how it influences gene regulation.
- (e)
- In addition to these standalone approaches, NGS data from epigenomics can be integrated with transcriptomics data to unravel the relationship between epigenetic modifications and gene expression. Integration of DNA methylation profiles with RNA-seq data can identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with gene expression changes. Integration of histone modification and chromatin accessibility data with RNA-seq allows the identification of regulatory elements associated with specific gene expression patterns and the exploration of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms.
3.4. Metagenomics
4. Bioinformatic Approaches for NGS Data Analysis
Analysis | Commonly Used Tools |
Common Analysis | |
Quality check of sequences | FastQC [90], FASTX-toolkit [91], MultiQC [92] |
Trimming of adaptors and low-quality bases | Trimmomatic [93], Cutadapt [94], fastp [95] |
Alignment of sequence reads to reference genome | BWA [96], Bowtie [97], dragMAP [98] |
Reports visualization | MultiQC [92] |
Whole-Genome Sequencing/Whole-Exome Sequencing/Targeted Panel | |
Removal of duplicate reads | Picard [99], Sambamba [100] |
Variant calling (single-nucleotide polymorphisms and indels) | GATK [101], freeBayes [102], Platypus [103], VarScan [104], DeepVariant [105], Illumina Dragen [106] |
Filter and merge variants | bcftools [107] |
Variant annotation | ANNOVAR [108], ensemblVEP [109], snpEff [110], NIRVANA [111] |
Structural variant calling | DELLY [112], Lumpy [113], Manta [114], GRIDDS [115], Wham [116], Pindel [117] |
Copy number variation (CNV) calling | CNVnator [118], GATK gCNV [119], cn.MOPS [120], cnvCapSeq(targeted sequencing) [121], ExomeDepth (CNVs from Exome) [122] |
Transcriptomics | |
Alignment of reads to reference | Splice-aware aligner such as TopHat2 [123], HISAT2 [124], and STAR [125] |
Transcript quantification | featureCounts [126], HTSeq-count [127], Salmon [128], Kallisto [129] |
Differential gene expression analysis enrichment of gene categories | DESeq2 [130], EdgeR [131], DAVID [132], clusterProfiler [133], Enrichr [134] |
Epigenomics-Methyl Seq | |
Sequence aligners | Bwameth [135], BS-Seeker2 [136], Bismark [137] |
Methylation level quantification | MethylDackel * |
Differential methylation | Metilene [138], BSsmooth [139], methylKit [140] |
Epigenomics-ChIP seq | |
Removal of PCR duplicates | Samtools [107] |
Peak calling | MACS2 [141], SICER2 [142], SPP [143] |
Peak filtering | Bedtools [144] |
Enrichment quality control | ChipQC [145], Phantompeakqualtools [146] |
Enrichment comparison | diffBind [147], MAnorm [148], MMDiff [149] |
Motif analysis | MemeCHiP [150], Homer [151], RSAT [152] |
16s rRNA seq | |
16S rRNAseq analysis pipelines | QIIME2 [82], mothur [153], USEARCH [154] |
Ribosomal RNA databases | Greengenes [155], Silva [156], RDP [157] |
Shotgun Metagenomics | |
Taxonomic classification | MetaPhlAn4 [158], Kaiju [159], Kraken [160] |
Assembly of metagenomic reads | metaSPAdes [86], metaIDBA [87] |
Protein databases for taxonomic classification | NCBI non-redundant protein database [83] |
Gene annotation | Prokka [88], MetaGeneMark [89] |
Databases for functional annotation of genes | COG [161], KEGG [84], GO [85] |
5. NGS Applications in Research and Diagnostics
5.1. Role of NGS in Research
5.1.1. Microbiome Research
5.1.2. Human Disease Research
5.2. NGS in Diagnostics
5.2.1. Infectious Diseases
5.2.2. Inherited Genetic Diseases
5.2.3. HLA Typing
5.2.4. Cancer
5.3. NGS in Forensics
6. Future Prospects and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sr No. | Platform | Use | Sequencing Technology | Amplification Type | Principle | Read Length (bp) | Limitations | Ref. |
1 | 454 pyrosequencing | Short read sequencing | Seq by synthesis | Emulsion PCR | Detection of pyrophosphate released during nucleotide incorporation. | 400–1000 | May contain deletion and insertion sequencing errors due to inefficient determination of homopolymer length. | [18,19,20] |
2 | Ion Torrent | Short read sequencing | Seq by synthesis | Emulsion PCR | Ion semiconductor sequencing principle detecting H+ ion generated during nucleotide incorporation. | 200–400 | When homopolymer sequences are sequenced, it may lead to loss in signal strength. | [19,20,21] |
3 | Illumina | Short read sequencing | Seq by synthesis | Bridge PCR | Solid-phase sequencing on immobilized surface leveraging clonal array formation using proprietary reversible terminator technology for rapid and accurate large-scale sequencing using single labeled dNTPs, which is added to the nucleic acid chain. | 36–300 | In case of sample overloading, the sequencing may result in overcrowding or overlapping signals, thus spiking the error rate up to 1%. | [19,20,22] |
4 | SOLiD | Short read sequencing | Seq by ligation | Emulsion PCR | An enzymatic method of sequencing using DNA ligase. 8-Mer probes with a hydroxyl group at 3′ end and a fluorescent tag (unique to each base A, T, G, C) at 5′ end are used in ligation reaction. | 75 | This platform displays substitution errors and may also under-represent GC-rich regions. Their short reads also limit their wider applications. | [20,23] |
5 | DNA nanoball sequencing | Short read sequencing | Seq by ligation | Amplification by Nanoball PCR | Splint oligo hybridization with post-PCR amplicon from libraries helps in the formation of circles. This circular ssDNA acts as the DNA template to generate a long string of DNA that self-assembles into a tight DNA nanoball. These are added to the aminosilane (positively charged)-coated flow cell to allow patterned binding of the DNA nanoballs. The fluorescently tagged bases are incorporated into the DNA strand, and the release of the fluorescent tag is captured using imaging techniques. | 50–150 | Multiple PCR cycles are needed with a more exhaustive workflow. This, combined with the output of short-read sequencing, can be a possible limitation. | [24,25] |
6 | Helicos single-molecule sequencing | Short-read sequencing | Seq by synthesis | Without Amplification | Poly-A-tailed short 100–200 bp fragmented genomic DNA is sequenced on poly-T oligo-coated flow cells using fluorescently labeled 4 dNTPS. The signal released upon adding each nucleotide is captured. | 35 | Highly sensitive instrumentation required. As the sequence length increases, the percentage of strands that can be utilized decreases. | [26,27] |
7 | PacBio Onso system | Short-read sequencing | Seq by binding | Optional PCR | Sequencing by binding (SBB) chemistry uses native nucleotides and scarless incorporation under optimized conditions for binding and extension (, accessed on 1 July 2023). | 100–200 | The higher cost compared to other sequencing platforms. | |
8 | PacBio Single-molecule real-time sequencing (SMRT) technology | Long-read sequencing | Seq by synthesis | Without PCR | The SMRT sequencing employs SMRT Cell, housing numerous small wells known as zero-mode waveguides (ZMWs). Individual DNA molecules are immobilized within these wells, emitting light as the polymerase incorporates each nucleotide, allowing real-time measurement of nucleotide incorporation | average 10,000–25,000 | The higher cost compared to other sequencing platforms. | [28,29] |
9 | Nanopore DNA sequencing | Long-read sequencing | Sequence detection through electrical impedance | Without PCR | The method relies on the linearization of DNA or RNA molecules and their capability to move through a biological pore called “nanopores”, which are eight nanometers wide. Electrophoretic mobility allows the passage of linear nucleic acid strand, which in turn is capable of generating a current signal. | average 10,000–30,000 | The error rate can spike up to 15%, especially with low-complexity sequences. Compared to short-read sequencers, it has a lower read accuracy. | [5,19,30] |
Disease Condition | Available Panel | Type of Inheritance | Specimen Type |
Inherited cardiovascular defects | Cardiovascular research panel | Germline | Blood |
Arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies | Arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy research panel | Germline | Blood |
Sensitivity to pharmacological drugs | Pharmacogenomics research panel (PGex Seq panel) | Germline | Blood |
Antimicrobial treatment efficacy testing | Antimicrobial resistance research panel | Microbial gene testing | Bacterial culture |
Infertility conditions | Infertility research panel | Germline | Blood |
Homologous recombination defect analysis | HRR gene panel | Somatic | Tumor tissue |
myeloid cancers | Myeloid cancer panel | Somatic | Blood |
HIV speciation and drug resistance | HIV-Xgene panel | Pathogen detection | HIV-positive plasma |
Antimicrobial resistance in MTB | TB research panel | Pathogen detection | MTB-positive specimen |
Inborn errors of metabolism | Error of metabolism research panel | Germline | DBS/blood |
Hereditary cancers | BRACA and extended breast and ovarian cancer research panel, inherited cancer research panel | Germline | Blood |
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Satam, H.; Joshi, K.; Mangrolia, U.; Waghoo, S.; Zaidi, G.; Rawool, S.; Thakare, R.P.; Banday, S.; Mishra, A.K.; Das, G.; et al. Next-Generation Sequencing Technology: Current Trends and Advancements.Biology2023,12, 997.
Satam H, Joshi K, Mangrolia U, Waghoo S, Zaidi G, Rawool S, Thakare RP, Banday S, Mishra AK, Das G, et al. Next-Generation Sequencing Technology: Current Trends and Advancements.Biology. 2023; 12(7):997.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSatam, Heena, Kandarp Joshi, Upasana Mangrolia, Sanober Waghoo, Gulnaz Zaidi, Shravani Rawool, Ritesh P. Thakare, Shahid Banday, Alok K. Mishra, Gautam Das, and et al. 2023. "Next-Generation Sequencing Technology: Current Trends and Advancements"Biology 12, no. 7: 997.
APA StyleSatam, H., Joshi, K., Mangrolia, U., Waghoo, S., Zaidi, G., Rawool, S., Thakare, R. P., Banday, S., Mishra, A. K., Das, G., & Malonia, S. K. (2023). Next-Generation Sequencing Technology: Current Trends and Advancements.Biology,12(7), 997.