First Model Independent Results from DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2

:1. Introduction
2. The DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2 Results
3. Implications and Comparisons
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1. | An event is considered multiple if a deposition of energy occurs in coincidence in more than one detector of the set-up. In DAMA/LIBRA the multiplicity can, in principle, range from 2 to 25. A multiple event in a given energy interval, say (1–6) keV, is given by an energy deposition between 1 and 6 keV in one detector and other deposition(s) in other detector(s). |
DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2 Annual Cycle | Period | Mass (kg) | Exposure (kg × day) | |
1 | 23 December 201–9 September 2011 | commissioning ofphase2 | ||
2 | 2 November 2011–11 September 2012 | 242.5 | 62,917 | 0.519 |
3 | 8 October 2012–2 September 2013 | 242.5 | 60,586 | 0.534 |
4 | 8 September 2013–1 September 2014 | 242.5 | 73,792 | 0.479 |
5 | 1 September 2014–9 September 2015 | 242.5 | 71,180 | 0.486 |
6 | 10 September 2015–24 August 2016 | 242.5 | 67,527 | 0.522 |
7 | 7 September 2016–25 September 2017 | 242.5 | 75,135 | 0.480 |
DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 | 2 November 2011–25 September 2017 | 411,137 ≃ 1.13 ton × year | 0.502 | |
DAMA/NaI + DAMA/LIBRA–phase1 + DAMA/LIBRA–phase2: | 2.46 ton × year |
Source | |||||||
(Neutrons cm s) | (cpd/kg/keV) | (cpd/kg/keV) | |||||
thermal n | – | <8 | ≪8 × | ≪7 × 10 | |||
( eV) | however ≪0.1 | ||||||
SLOW | |||||||
neutrons | epithermal n | ≃0 | – | <3 × | ≪3 × | ≪0.03 | |
(eV–keV) | however ≪0.1 | ||||||
fission, n | ≃0.9 × | ≃0 | – | <6 | ≪6 | ≪5 × | |
. | (1–10 MeV) | however ≪0.1 | |||||
n from rock | ≃3 | 0.0129 | end of | ≪5 | ≪7 | ≪6 | |
FAST | (>10 MeV) | June | |||||
neutrons | |||||||
n from Pb shield | ≃6 | 0.0129 | end of | ≪1.1 | ≪1.4 | ≪1.3 | |
(>10 MeV) | June | ||||||
n | ≃3 | 0.03342 * | 4 January | ≪5 | ≪1.8 | ≪1.6 | |
(few MeV) | |||||||
direct | 20md | 0.0129 | end of | ≃10 | ≃10 | ≃10 | |
June | |||||||
direct | cms | 0.03342 | 4 January * | ≃10 |
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Bernabei, R.; Belli, P.; Bussolotti, A.; Cappella, F.; Caracciolo, V.; Cerulli, R.; Dai, C.-J.; D’Angelo, A.; Di Marco, A.; He, H.-L.; et al. First Model Independent Results from DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2.Universe2018,4, 116.
Bernabei R, Belli P, Bussolotti A, Cappella F, Caracciolo V, Cerulli R, Dai C-J, D’Angelo A, Di Marco A, He H-L, et al. First Model Independent Results from DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2.Universe. 2018; 4(11):116.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBernabei, Rita, Pierluigi Belli, Andrea Bussolotti, Fabio Cappella, Vincenzo Caracciolo, Riccardo Cerulli, Chang-Jiang Dai, Annelisa D’Angelo, Alessandro Di Marco, Hui-Lin He, and et al. 2018. "First Model Independent Results from DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2"Universe 4, no. 11: 116.
APA StyleBernabei, R., Belli, P., Bussolotti, A., Cappella, F., Caracciolo, V., Cerulli, R., Dai, C.-J., D’Angelo, A., Di Marco, A., He, H.-L., Incicchitti, A., Ma, X.-H., Mattei, A., Merlo, V., Montecchia, F., Sheng, X.-D., & Ye, Z.-P. (2018). First Model Independent Results from DAMA/LIBRA–Phase2.Universe,4(11), 116.