Biodiv Sci ››2018,Vol. 26 ››Issue (7):749-759. DOI:10.17520/biods.2018055
• Research Bulletin • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wang Shitong1,2, Wu Hao1,2, Liu Mengting1,2, Zhang Jiaxin1,2, Liu Jianming1,2, Meng Hongjie1, Xu Yaozhan1, Qiao Xiujuan1, Wei Xinzeng1,*(), Lu Zhijun1, Jiang Mingxi1
Wang Shitong, Wu Hao, Liu Mengting, Zhang Jiaxin, Liu Jianming, Meng Hongjie, Xu Yaozhan, Qiao Xiujuan, Wei Xinzeng, Lu Zhijun, Jiang Mingxi. Community structure and dynamics of a remnant forest dominated by a plant species with extremely small population (Sinojackia huangmeiensis) in central China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2018, 26(7): 749-759.
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