1Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, LSB 404 Louisiana State University Agric
ARTICLE - Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Key to the Species-Groups of Sagola Sharp
- Species Treatments
- Key to Species of the Hirtalis Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Rugifrons Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Bifida Species-Group
- Key To Species of the Baiknami Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Pulchra Species-Group
- Key To Species of the Parva Species-Group
- Key To Species of the Incisa Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Flavipes Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Helmorei Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Rustica Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Auripila Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Socia Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Furcata Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Excavata Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Notabilis Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Misella Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Moehauensis Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Major Species-Group
- Key to Species of the Insignis Species-Group
It is not available for individual sale.
The pselaphine genusSagola Sharp (type species:Sagola misella Sharp) comprises 143 species occurring in the New Zealand region and divided among 31 species-groups. Ninety-five species are described as new herein:Sagola coromandelensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola northlandensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola taranakiensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola kuscheli Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola newtoni Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola thorpei Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola dugdalei Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola thayerae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola hunuaensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola waikatoensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola gisbornensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola weiri Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola brookesi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola waipouaensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola brouni Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola plentyensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola crawi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola earlyi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola embersoni Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola mayae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola ranatungae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola baylessae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola tekoauensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola ferroi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola fairburni Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola baiknami Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola watti Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola butcherae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola taupoensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola nunni Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola sunsookae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola choeunae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola keejeongi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola ramsayi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola poortmani Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola unuwhaoensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola helmorei Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola wellingtonensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola marlboroughensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola walkerae Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola lescheni Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola gourlayi Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola chathamensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola pittensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola chandleri Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola threekingsensis Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola gimmeli Park and Carlton,new species;Sagola sokolovi…see PDF for complete abstract