Home /Systematic Botany, Volume 38, Number 1

The Origin and Phylogenetic Relationships of the Californian Chaparral ‘Paleoendemic’Pickeringia (Leguminosae)
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Author:Wojciechowski, Martin F.
Source:Systematic Botany, Volume 38, Number 1, March 2013, pp.132-142(11)
Publisher:American Society of Plant Taxonomists
Pickeringia, a monotypic genus of the Leguminosae endemic to the xerophytic sclerophyllous chaparral vegetation of the California Floristic Province, has been considered a “relict” of legume diversity in the North American flora and an exampleof the classic “paleoendemics” in the flora of California. Evidence is presented for the phylogenetic relationships of this genus, inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the plastidmatK gene. Phylogeniesderived from maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses both strongly support a close relationship ofPickeringia to the temperate to subtropical, deciduous generaCladrastis andStyphnolobium of tribe Sophoreae consistent with morphological and cytogenetic evidence ratherthan to members of tribe Thermopsideae where the genus has been treated taxonomically.Cladrastis is resolved as paraphyletic whileStyphnolobium is strongly supported as a monophyletic group. These results, plus an estimated age of ~31 million years for the genus, further substantiatethe hypothesis thatPickeringia is geographically isolated in the flora of western North America, an old and phylogenetically distinct lineage of an early diverging group of papilionoid legumes that were much more widely distributed throughout temperate North America and Asia duringthe Tertiary but whose modern relatives are restricted to southern North America, Central America, and eastern Asia. These findings have implications not only for the evolutionary history ofPickeringia but also for the age and development of chaparral vegetation in the Californianflora.
Pickeringia, a monotypic genus of the Leguminosae endemic to the xerophytic sclerophyllous chaparral vegetation of the California Floristic Province, has been considered a “relict” of legume diversity in the North American flora and an exampleof the classic “paleoendemics” in the flora of California. Evidence is presented for the phylogenetic relationships of this genus, inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the plastidmatK gene. Phylogeniesderived from maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses both strongly support a close relationship ofPickeringia to the temperate to subtropical, deciduous generaCladrastis andStyphnolobium of tribe Sophoreae consistent with morphological and cytogenetic evidence ratherthan to members of tribe Thermopsideae where the genus has been treated taxonomically.Cladrastis is resolved as paraphyletic whileStyphnolobium is strongly supported as a monophyletic group. These results, plus an estimated age of ~31 million years for the genus, further substantiatethe hypothesis thatPickeringia is geographically isolated in the flora of western North America, an old and phylogenetically distinct lineage of an early diverging group of papilionoid legumes that were much more widely distributed throughout temperate North America and Asia duringthe Tertiary but whose modern relatives are restricted to southern North America, Central America, and eastern Asia. These findings have implications not only for the evolutionary history ofPickeringia but also for the age and development of chaparral vegetation in the Californianflora.
Keywords:Cladrastis;Mediterranean-type climate;Sophoreae;Styphnolobium;Thermopsideae;geographic disjunction
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date:01 March 2013
More about this publication?
- Systematic Botany is the scientific journal of theAmerican Society of Plant Taxonomists and publishes four issues per year.
2011 Impact Factor: 1.517
2011 ISI Journal Citation Reports® Rankings: 87/190 - Plant Sciences
34/45 - Evolutionary Biology - Editorial Board
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