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We review the world literature on leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) that have probed human skin, update the names presented in those published reports, and sort out which are original accounts and which are citations of previous reports (Table 1). We add 19 new records, representing five subfamilies, and at least 13 genera, all from Panama (Table 2). We speculate as to why these normally phytophagous insects sometimes probe human skin, and provide insight into the possible evolutionary consequences of this behavior.
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We review the world literature on leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) that have probed human skin, update the names presented in those published reports, and sort out which are original accounts and which are citations of previous reports (Table 1). We add 19 new records, representing five subfamilies, and at least 13 genera, all from Panama (Table 2). We speculate as to why these normally phytophagous insects sometimes probe human skin, and provide insight into the possible evolutionary consequences of this behavior.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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