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What drives consumers to shop online? A literature review

ToñitaPerea y Monsuwé (Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Benedict G.C.Dellaert (Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Kode Ruyter (Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands)


While a large number of consumers in the US and Europe frequently shop on the Internet, research on what drives consumers to shop online has typically been fragmented. This paper therefore proposes a framework to increase researchers’ understanding of consumers’ attitudes toward online shopping and their intention to shop on the Internet. The framework uses the constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a basis, extended by exogenous factors and applies it to the online shopping context. The review shows that attitudes toward online shopping and intention to shop online are not only affected by ease of use, usefulness, and enjoyment, but also by exogenous factors like consumer traits, situational factors, product characteristics, previous online shopping experiences, and trust in online shopping.



Perea y Monsuwé, T.,Dellaert, B.G.C. andde Ruyter, K. (2004), "What drives consumers to shop online? A literature review",International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 102-121.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright© 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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