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Strategic sourcing in Africa: the case for the labor market

André T.Mayounga (School of Business and Technology Management,Northcentral University, San Diego, California,USA)




This paper forms part of a special section “Strategic Sourcing in Africa: Integrating African firms in Global Supply Chains”, guest edited by Godfrey Mugurusi, Richard Glavee-Geo and Intaher Marcus Ambe.

The author gratefully acknowledges all reviewers whose critical reading of the manuscript, fruitful comments, and suggestions enhanced this article.

Disclosure statement: The author received no funding for the work and reported no potential conflict of interest.


Mayounga, A.T. (2021), "Strategic sourcing in Africa: the case for the labor market",Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 397-413.



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