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    Analysis of the complete genome sequence of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis-related human adenovirus type 8, 19, 37 and a novel serotypeNo Access


    We determined the complete genome sequence of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC)-related human adenoviruses (HAdVs). We analysed a total of 12 HAdV strains; three prototype strains and two HAdV-8, three HAdV-19 and three HAdV-37 clinical isolates from EKC patients in Japan, and one novel serotype of HAdV. Genome organization of these serotypes was identical to those of the recently determined HAdV-19 and HAdV-37. The identities of the whole genome were over 99 % among strains from the same serotype, except for HAdV-19p, which is not associated with conjunctivitis, resulting in the formation of a distinct cluster in the phylogenetic analysis. The penton, loop 1 and loop 2 of hexon, early region 3 (E3) and fiber were hypervariable regions between serotypes. Results suggest that the HAdV-19 clinical strain is a recombinant of HAdV-19p-like and HAdV-37-like strains, and that the acquisition of the penton, E3 or fiber may be related to ocular tropism.

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    Analysis of the complete genome sequence of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis-related human adenovirus type 8, 19, 37 and a novel serotype
    J. Gen. Virol.90, 1471 (2009);

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    Analysis of the complete genome sequence of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis-related human adenovirus type 8, 19, 37 and a novel serotype

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