Sigmatropic rearrangements of ‘onium’ ylids
* Corresponding authors
a Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, Reading, UK
Rearrangement reactions occupy a special place within the canon of organic synthesis, by virtue of the inherently high efficiency of chemical processes which form and break bonds by redistribution of electrons around a retained atomic framework. Within the broader class, sigmatropic rearrangements are chemical processes defined by mechanisms involving unimolecular migration of σ-bonds with concomitant redistribution of one or more π-bonds. Sigmatropic processes may involve uncharged or charged species, with the charges located on carbon or heteroatoms; the latter reaction type is the subject of thistutorial review.

Article information
- Article type
- Tutorial Review
- Submitted
- 28 Apr 2008
- First published
- 05 Mar 2009

Sigmatropic rearrangements of ‘onium’ ylids
J. B. Sweeney,Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1027DOI: 10.1039/B604828P
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