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Microbial life and biogeochemical cycling on land 3,220 million years ago
- Martin Homann1,
- Pierre Sansjofre1,
- Mark Van Zuilen2,
- Christoph Heubeck3,
- Jian Gong2,
- Bryan Killingsworth ORCID:orcid.org/0000-0001-6067-86041,
- Ian S. Foster ORCID:orcid.org/0000-0002-6840-70481,
- Alessandro Airo4,
- Martin J. Van Kranendonk ORCID:orcid.org/0000-0002-0611-27035,
- Magali Ader2 &
- …
- Stefan V. Lalonde ORCID:orcid.org/0000-0003-1318-22801
Nature Geosciencevolume 11, pages665–671 (2018)Cite this article
AnAuthor Correction to this article was published on 08 October 2018
This article has beenupdated
The colonization of emergent continental landmass by microbial life was an evolutionary step of paramount importance in Earth history. Here we report direct fossil evidence for life on land 3,220 million years ago (Ma) in the form of terrestrial microbial mats draping fluvial conglomerates and gravelly sandstones of the Moodies Group, South Africa. Combined field, petrographic, carbon isotope and Raman spectroscopic analyses confirm the synsedimentary origin and biogenicity of these unique fossil mats as well as their fluvial habitat. The carbon isotope compositions of organic matter (δ13Corg) from these mats define a narrow range centred on −21‰, in contrast to fossil mats of marine origin from nearby tidal deposits that showδ13Corg values as low as −34‰. Bulk nitrogen isotope compositions (2 < δ15N < 5‰) are also significantly different from their marine counterparts (0 < δ15N < 3‰), which we interpret as reflecting denitrification in the terrestrial habitat, possibly of an atmospheric source of nitrate. Our results support the antiquity of a thriving terrestrial biosphere during the Palaeoarchaean and suggest that a complex and microbially driven redox landscape existed during the deposition of the Moodies Group, with distinct biogeochemical cycling occurring on land by 3,220 Ma.
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08 October 2018
In the version of this Article originally published, author Magali Ader was wrongly linked to affiliation 3; it should have been affiliation 2. This error has now been corrected in the online versions.
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This work was greatly supported by LabexMER ANR-10-LABX-19 and Prestige COFUND-GA-2013-609102 to M.H., and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grant He2418/13–1 to C.H. S.V.L. and M.V.Z. acknowledge support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n° 716515 for S.V.L. and grant agreement n° 646894 for M.V.Z.). We thank N. and D. Oosthuizen for access to the private Mountainlands nature reserve, S. Bläsing and M. Grund for assistance with sample collection, J.-P. Oldra for thin section preparation, and O. Lebeau, C. Tanvet, C. Liorzou, M.-L. Rouget and B. Gueguen for assistance with isotopic and elemental analysis.
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European Institute for Marine Studies, CNRS-UMR6538 Laboratoire Géosciences Océan, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Plouzané, France
Martin Homann, Pierre Sansjofre, Bryan Killingsworth, Ian S. Foster & Stefan V. Lalonde
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, CNRS-UMR7154, Paris, France
Mark Van Zuilen, Jian Gong & Magali Ader
Department of Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany
Christoph Heubeck
Center of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Alessandro Airo
Australian Centre for Astrobiology, and School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Martin J. Van Kranendonk
- Martin Homann
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- Pierre Sansjofre
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- Mark Van Zuilen
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- Christoph Heubeck
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- Jian Gong
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- Bryan Killingsworth
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- Ian S. Foster
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- Alessandro Airo
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- Martin J. Van Kranendonk
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- Magali Ader
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- Stefan V. Lalonde
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M.H. and C.H. carried out fieldwork and collected samples in South Africa. P.S., M.A. and S.V.L. helped with the acquisition and interpretation of elemental and isotopic data. M.V.Z. and J.G. performed Raman analysis. B.K., I.S.F., A.A. and M.J.V.K. contributed to the discussion of the data. M.H. wrote the manuscript with contributions from all co-authors.
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Correspondence toMartin Homann.
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Homann, M., Sansjofre, P., Van Zuilen, M.et al. Microbial life and biogeochemical cycling on land 3,220 million years ago.Nature Geosci11, 665–671 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0190-9
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