- Letter
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Metabolic variability in seafloor brines revealed by carbon and sulphur dynamics
- Samantha B. Joye1,
- Vladimir A. Samarkin1,
- Beth! N. Orcutt1 nAff6,
- Ian R. MacDonald2,
- Kai-Uwe Hinrichs3,
- Marcus Elvert3,
- Andreas P. Teske4,
- Karen G. Lloyd4,
- Mark A. Lever4 nAff6,
- Joseph P. Montoya5 &
- …
- Christof D. Meile1
Nature Geosciencevolume 2, pages349–354 (2009)Cite this article
AnErratum to this article was published on 21 May 2009
Brine fluids that upwell from deep, hot reservoirs below the sea bed supply the sea floor with energy-rich substrates and nutrients that are used by diverse microbial ecosystems. Contemporary hypersaline environments formed by brine seeps may provide insights into the metabolism and distribution of microorganisms on the early Earth1 or on extraterrestrial bodies2. Here we use geochemical and genetic analyses to characterize microbial community composition and metabolism in two seafloor brines in the Gulf of Mexico: an active mud volcano and a quiescent brine pool. Both brine environments are anoxic and hypersaline. However, rates of sulphate reduction and acetate production are much higher in the brine pool, whereas the mud volcano supports much higher rates of methane production. We find no evidence of anaerobic oxidation of methane, despite high methane fluxes at both sites. We conclude that the contrasting microbial community compositions and metabolisms are linked to differences in dissolved-organic-matter input from the deep subsurface and different fluid advection rates between the two sites.
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Author information
Beth! N. Orcutt & Mark A. Lever
Present address: Present addresses: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089, USA (B.N.O.); Center for Geomicrobiology, Biology Institute, Ny Munkegade 1540 DK-0800 Århus C, Denmark (M.A.L.),
Authors and Affiliations
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-3636, USA
Samantha B. Joye, Vladimir A. Samarkin, Beth! N. Orcutt & Christof D. Meile
Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412, USA
Ian R. MacDonald
MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences & Department of Geosciences, Organic Geochemistry Group, University of Bremen, 28334 Bremen, Germany
Kai-Uwe Hinrichs & Marcus Elvert
Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA
Andreas P. Teske, Karen G. Lloyd & Mark A. Lever
School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA
Joseph P. Montoya
- Samantha B. Joye
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- Vladimir A. Samarkin
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- Beth! N. Orcutt
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- Ian R. MacDonald
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- Kai-Uwe Hinrichs
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- Marcus Elvert
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- Andreas P. Teske
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- Karen G. Lloyd
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- Mark A. Lever
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- Joseph P. Montoya
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- Christof D. Meile
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S.B.J., V.A.S., I.R.M. and J.P.M. conceived the experiment and carried it out; K.-U.H. and M.E. completed the carbon isotopic analyses; A.P.T., K.G.L., M.A.L. and B.N.O. completed the molecular biological analyses; C.D.M. completed the thermodynamic calculations; S.B.J. wrote the paper and all authors provided editorial comments.
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Correspondence toSamantha B. Joye,Beth! N. Orcutt orMark A. Lever.
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Joye, S., Samarkin, V., Orcutt, B.et al. Metabolic variability in seafloor brines revealed by carbon and sulphur dynamics.Nature Geosci2, 349–354 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo475
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