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  • Original Article
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The biology of the leaf mark polymorphism inTrifolium repens L.

2. Evidence for the selection of leaf marks by Rumen fistulated sheep

Heredityvolume 37pages327–333 (1976)Cite this article


It was suggested that the leaf mark polymorphism ofTrifolium repens might be important in visual selection of diet by sheep. Sheep with rumen fistulae were allowed to graze in restricted areas of permanent grassland and the morph frequency in the rumen was compared with that on offer in the pasture. There was clear preference by the sheep for unmarked leaves and some evidence that suggests apostatic selection between the various forms of mark.

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  1. M G Cahn

    Present address: c/o County Planning Officer, West Glamorgan County Council, Planning Department, 12 Orchard Street, Swansea, West Glamorgan

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  1. School of Plant Biology, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd

    M G Cahn & J L Harper

  1. M G Cahn

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  2. J L Harper

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Cahn, M., Harper, J. The biology of the leaf mark polymorphism inTrifolium repens L..Heredity37, 327–333 (1976).

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