Gender and gender-role orientation differences were explored on adolescents' coping with peer stressors. Eighth-grade and ninth-grade public junior high school students (N = 285) completed theCOPE, reporting the strategies they recently used to deal with a stressful peer-related situation. Measures of gender-role orientation (Bem Sex-Role Inventory) and demographic information also were obtained. Factor analysis of theCOPE revealed 4 distinct coping factors: active, avoidant, acceptance, and emotion-focused. The most frequently reported stressful event was arguments/fights with same-sex friends. Girls reported more arguments/fights with opposite-sex friends. Boys reported more physical fights and threats. Students' ratings of how much the situation mattered were used as a covariate in a MANCOVA to compare coping by gender and gender-role orientation, to control for perceived stressfulness of situations. Significant gender-role orientation differences were found for active, acceptance, and emotion-focused coping.
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Wayne State University, USA
Jill M. Washburn-Ormachea (Adjunct Professor) & Shlomo S. Sawilowsky (Professor and Program Coordinator of Educational Evaluation and Research)
Wayne State University, USA
Stephen B. Hillman (Professor and Program Coordinator of Educational Psychology)
Research on Adolescence, USA
Stephen B. Hillman (Professor and Program Coordinator of Educational Psychology)
- Jill M. Washburn-Ormachea
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Washburn-Ormachea, J.M., Hillman, S.B. & Sawilowsky, S.S. Gender and Gender-Role Orientation Differences on Adolescents' Coping with Peer Stressors.Journal of Youth and Adolescence33, 31–40 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1027330213113
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