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Droser, Mary L. Jensen, Sören and Gehling, James G. 2002.Trace fossils and substrates of the terminal Proterozoic–Cambrian transition: Implications for the record of early bilaterians and sediment mixing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 99, Issue. 20, p. 12572.
Jenkins, R.J.F. Cooper, J.A. and Compston, W. 2002.Age and biostratigraphy of Early Cambrian tuffs from SE Australia and southern China. Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. 159, Issue. 6, p. 645.
DROSER, M. L. JENSEN, S. GEHLING, J. G. MYROW, P. M. and NARBONNE, G. M. 2002.Lowermost Cambrian Ichnofabrics from the Chapel Island Formation, Newfoundland: Implications for Cambrian Substrates. PALAIOS, Vol. 17, Issue. 1, p. 3.
Amthor, Joachim E. Grotzinger, John P. Schröder, Stefan Bowring, Samuel A. Ramezani, Jahandar Martin, Mark W. and Matter, Albert 2003.Extinction of Cloudina and Namacalathus at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary in Oman. Geology, Vol. 31, Issue. 5, p. 431.
Peng, Shanchi Babcock, Loren E. Robison, Richard A. Lin, Huanling Rees, Margaret N. and Saltzman, Matthew R. 2004.Global Standard Stratotype‐section and Point (GSSP) of the Furongian Series and Paibian Stage (Cambrian). Lethaia, Vol. 37, Issue. 4, p. 365.
Babcock, Loren E Rees, Margaret N Robison, Richard A Langenburg, Elizabeth S and Peng, Shanchi 2004.Potential Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) for a Cambrian stage boundary defined by the first appearance of the trilobite Ptychagnostus atavus, Drum Mountains, Utah, USA. Geobios, Vol. 37, Issue. 2, p. 149.
Xiao, Shuhai Hu, Jie Yuan, Xunlai Parsley, Ronald L. and Cao, Ruiji 2005.Articulated sponges from the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation in southern Anhui, South China: their age and implications for the early evolution of sponges. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 220, Issue. 1-2, p. 89.
Hughes, N.C. and Heim, N.A. 2005.Encyclopedia of Geology. p. 163.
Dzik, Jerzy 2005.Behavioral and anatomical unity of the earliest burrowing animals and the cause of the “Cambrian explosion”. Paleobiology, Vol. 31, Issue. 3, p. 503.
Seilacher, Adolf Buatois, Luis A. and Gabriela Mángano, M. 2005.Trace fossils in the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition: Behavioral diversification, ecological turnover and environmental shift. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 227, Issue. 4, p. 323.
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Maloof, Adam C Schrag, Daniel P Crowley, James L and Bowring, Samuel A 2005.An expanded record of Early Cambrian carbon cycling from the Anti-Atlas Margin, Morocco. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 42, Issue. 12, p. 2195.
Droser, Mary L. Gehling, James G. and Jensen, Sören R. 2006.Assemblage palaeoecology of the Ediacara biota: The unabridged edition?. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 232, Issue. 2-4, p. 131.
Jensen, Sören Droser, Mary L. and Gehling, James G. 2006.Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology. Vol. 27, Issue. , p. 115.
Peng, Shan-Chi Babcock, Loren E. Zuo, Jing-Xun Lin, Huan-Ling Zhu, Xue-Jian Yang, Xian-Feng Robison, Richard A. Qi, Yu-Ping Bagnoli, Gabriella and Chen, Yong-An 2006.Proposed GSSP for the base of Cambrian Stage 7, coinciding with the first appearance of Lejopyge laevigata, Hunan, China. Palaeoworld, Vol. 15, Issue. 3-4, p. 367.
Marshall, Charles R. 2006.EXPLAINING THE CAMBRIAN “EXPLOSION” OF ANIMALS. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 34, Issue. 1, p. 355.
MacNaughton, Robert B. 2007.Trace Fossils. p. 135.
Babcock, Loren E. and Peng, Shanchi 2007.Cambrian chronostratigraphy: Current state and future plans. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 254, Issue. 1-2, p. 62.
Zhang, Xi‐guang Bergström, Jan Bromley, Richard G. and Hou, Xian‐guang 2007.Diminutive trace fossils in the Chengjiang Lagerstätte. Terra Nova, Vol. 19, Issue. 6, p. 407.
2007.Trace Fossil Analysis. p. 173.