A tidal bore is a series of waves propagating upstream as the tidal flow turns to rising, and the bore front corresponds to the leading edge of the tidal wave in a funnel shaped estuarine zone with macro-tidal conditions. Some field observations were conducted in the tidal bore of the Garonne River on 7 June 2012 in the Arcins channel, a few weeks after a major flood. The tidal bore was a flat undular bore with a Froude number close to unity:\(\hbox {Fr}_{1} = 1.02\) and 1.19 (morning and afternoon respectively). A key feature of the study was the simultaneous recording of the water elevation, instantaneous velocity components and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) estimates, together with a detailed characterisation of the sediment bed materials. The sediment was some silty material (\(\hbox {d}_{50} \approx 13~\upmu \hbox {m}\)) which exhibited some non-Newtonion thixotropic behaviour. The velocity and SSC estimate were recorded simultaneously at high frequency, enabling a quantitative estimate of the suspended sediment flux at the end of the ebb tide and during the early flood tide. The net sediment flux per unit area was directed upstream after the bore, and its magnitude was much larger than that at end of ebb tide. The field observations highlighted a number of unusual features on the morning of 7 June 2012. These included (a) a slight rise in water elevation starting about 70 s prior to the front, (b) a delayed flow reversal about 50 s after the bore front, (c) some large fluctuations in suspended sediment concentration (SSC) about 100 s after the bore front and (d) a transient water elevation lowering about 10 min after the bore front passage. The measurements of water temperature and salinity showed nearly identical results before and after the tidal bore, with no evidence of saline and thermal front during the study.
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The authors thank all the people who participated to the field works, without whom the study could not have been conducted. The authors acknowledge the assistance of Patrice Benghiati and the permission to access and use the pontoon in theBras d’Arcins. The ADV was provided kindly by Prof Laurent David (University of Poitiers, France). The financial assistance of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Projet MASCARET 10-BLAN-0911-01) is acknowledged, as well as the generous support of the project leader Dr Pierre Lubin (University of Bordeaux, France).
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Université de Bordeaux, CNRS UMR 5295, I2M, 16 avenue Pey-Berland, Pessac, France
David Reungoat & Bastien Caplain
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, 4072, Australia
Hubert Chanson
- David Reungoat
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Reungoat, D., Chanson, H. & Caplain, B. Sediment processes and flow reversal in the undular tidal bore of the Garonne River (France).Environ Fluid Mech14, 591–616 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10652-013-9319-y
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