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Rusyn: A New-Old Language In-between Nations and States

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Wherever modern Rusyn activists have mapped their territory, Rusyn and Ukrainian national and linguistic identities are still competing with each other: some regard Rusyns as a separate fourth East Slavic people and Rusyn as a separate language, whilst others maintain that Rusyns are a branch of the Ukrainian people, Rusyn idioms are local variants of Ukrainian, and Modern Standard Ukrainian is a perfectly appropriate standard language for all Rusyns/Ukrainians.1

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  1. University of St Andrews, UK

    Tomasz Kamusella

  2. Hokkaido University, Japan

    Motoki Nomachi

  3. European University Institute, Italy

    Catherine Gibson

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© 2016 Michael Moser

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Moser, M. (2016). Rusyn: A New-Old Language In-between Nations and States. In: Kamusella, T., Nomachi, M., Gibson, C. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

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