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Jahren, A.Hope Gabel, Mark L. and Amundson, Ronald 1998.Biomineralization in seeds: developmental trends in isotopic signatures of hackberry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 138, Issue. 1-4, p. 259.
Wang, Yang Amundson, Ronald and Trumbore, Susan 1999.The impact of land use change on C turnover in soils. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 13, Issue. 1, p. 47.
Wang, Yang Amundson, Ronald and Niu, Xu‐Feng 2000.Seasonal and altitudinal variation in decomposition of soil organic matter inferred from radiocarbon measurements of soil CO2 flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 14, Issue. 1, p. 199.
Jahren, A. Hope Amundson, Ronald Kendall, Carol and Wigand, Peter 2001.Paleoclimatic Reconstruction Using the Correlation in δ18O of Hackberry Carbonate and Environmental Water, North America. Quaternary Research, Vol. 56, Issue. 2, p. 252.
Wang, Yang and Hsieh, Yuch-Ping 2002.Uncertainties and novel prospects in the study of the soil carbon dynamics. Chemosphere, Vol. 49, Issue. 8, p. 791.
Pustovoytov, Konstantin and Riehl, Simone 2006.Suitability of biogenic carbonate of Lithospermum fruits for 14C dating. Quaternary Research, Vol. 65, Issue. 3, p. 508.
Stern, J. Wang, Y. Gu, B. and Newman, J. 2007.Distribution and turnover of carbon in natural and constructed wetlands in the Florida Everglades. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 22, Issue. 9, p. 1936.
Skinner, H.C.W. and Jahren, A.H. 2007.Treatise on Geochemistry. p. 1.
Shillito, Lisa-Marie Almond, Matthew J. Nicholson, James Pantos, Manolis and Matthews, Wendy 2009.Rapid characterisation of archaeological midden components using FT-IR spectroscopy, SEM–EDX and micro-XRD. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 73, Issue. 1, p. 133.
Shillito, Lisa-Marie and Almond, Matthew J. 2010.Comment on: Fruit and seed biomineralization and its effect on preservation by E. Messager et al.; in: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2010) 2:25–34. DOI 10.1007/s12520-010-0024-1. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue. 3, p. 225.
Pustovoytov, Konstantin Riehl, Simone Hilger, Hartmut H. and Schumacher, Erich 2010.Oxygen isotopic composition of fruit carbonate in Lithospermeae and its potential for paleoclimate research in the Mediterranean. Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 71, Issue. 3-4, p. 258.
Messager, Erwan Badou, Aïcha Fröhlich, François Deniaux, Brigitte Lordkipanidze, David and Voinchet, Pierre 2010.Fruit and seed biomineralization and its effect on preservation. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue. 1, p. 25.
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MARRON, ALAN O. and MOORE, JASON R. 2013.Evidence of frugivory and seed dispersal in Oligocene tortoises from South Dakota. Geological Magazine, Vol. 150, Issue. 6, p. 1143.
Wang, Yang Gu, Binhe Lee, Ming-Kuo Jiang, Shijun and Xu, Yingfeng 2014.Isotopic evidence for anthropogenic impacts on aquatic food web dynamics and mercury cycling in a subtropical wetland ecosystem in the US. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 487, Issue. , p. 557.
Skinner, H.C.W. and Ehrlich, H. 2014.Treatise on Geochemistry. p. 105.
Quade, Jay Li, Shanying Stiner, Mary C. Clark, Amy E. Mentzer, Susan M. and Özbaşaran, Mihriban 2014.Radiocarbon Dating, Mineralogy, and Isotopic Composition of Hackberry Endocarps from the Neolithic Site of Aşikli Höyük, Central Turkey. Radiocarbon, Vol. 56, Issue. 4, p. S17.
Quade, Jay Li, Shanying Stiner, Mary C. Clark, Amy E. Mentzer, Susan M. and Özbaşaran, Mihriban 2014.Radiocarbon Dating, Mineralogy, and Isotopic Composition of Hackberry Endocarps from the Neolithic Site of Aşikli Höyük, Central Turkey. Radiocarbon, Vol. 56, Issue. 4, p. S17.
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