A fast text renderer forwgpu
. Powered byglyph_brush
rusttype | Re-exported rusttype types. |
Font | A single font. This may or may not own the font data. |
FontId | Id for a font |
GlyphBrush | Object allowing glyph drawing, containing cache state. Manages glyph positioning cacheing,glyph draw caching & efficient GPU texture cache updating and re-sizing on demand. |
GlyphBrushBuilder | Builder for a |
OwnedSectionText | |
OwnedVariedSection | |
Point | A point in 2-dimensional space, with each dimension of type |
PositionedGlyph | A glyph augmented with positioning and scaling information. You can querysuch a glyph for information that depends on the scale and position of theglyph. |
Rect | A rectangle, with top-left corner at |
Region | A region of the screen. |
Scale | Defines the size of a rendered face of a font, in pixels, horizontally andvertically. A vertical scale of |
Section | An object that contains all the info to render a section of text. |
SectionGeometry | |
SectionText | |
VariedSection | An object that contains all the info to render a varied section of text. That is one includingmany parts with differing fonts/scales/colors bowing to a single layout. |
BuiltInLineBreaker | Built-in linebreaking logic. |
HorizontalAlign | Describes horizontal alignment preference for positioning & bounds. |
Layout | Built-in |
LineBreak | Indicator that a character is a line break, soft or hard. Includes the offset (byte-index)position. |
SharedBytes |
VerticalAlign | Describes vertical alignment preference for positioning & bounds. Currently a placeholderfor future functionality. |
FontMap | |
GlyphCruncher | Common glyph layout logic. |
GlyphPositioner | Logic to calculate glyph positioning using |
LineBreaker | Producer of a |
PositionedGlyphIter |