A cross-platform graphics and compute library based on WebGPU.
vertex_attr_array | Macro to produce an array of |
vertex_format_size |
Adapter | A handle to a physical graphics and/or compute device. |
AdapterInfo | Metadata about a backend adapter. |
BackendBit | |
BindGroup | An opaque handle to a binding group. |
BindGroupDescriptor | A description of a group of bindings and the resources to be bound. |
BindGroupLayout | An opaque handle to a binding group layout. |
BindGroupLayoutDescriptor | A description of a bind group layout. |
BindGroupLayoutEntry | A description of a single binding inside a bind group. |
Binding | A bindable resource and the slot to bind it to. |
BlendDescriptor | |
Buffer | A handle to a GPU-accessible buffer. |
BufferAsyncErr | |
BufferCopyView | A view of a buffer which can be used to copy to or from a texture. |
BufferDescriptor | A description of a buffer. |
BufferReadMapping | |
BufferUsage | |
BufferWriteMapping | |
Color | |
ColorStateDescriptor | |
ColorWrite | |
CommandBuffer | An opaque handle to a command buffer on the GPU. |
CommandBufferDescriptor | |
CommandEncoder | An object that encodes GPU operations. |
CommandEncoderDescriptor | A description of a command encoder. |
ComputePass | An in-progress recording of a compute pass. |
ComputePipeline | A handle to a compute pipeline. |
ComputePipelineDescriptor | A complete description of a compute pipeline. |
CreateBufferMapped | A buffer being created, mapped in host memory. |
DepthStencilStateDescriptor | |
Device | An open connection to a graphics and/or compute device. |
DeviceDescriptor | |
Extensions | |
Extent3d | |
Limits | |
Origin3d | |
PipelineLayout | An opaque handle to a pipeline layout. |
PipelineLayoutDescriptor | A description of a pipeline layout. |
ProgrammableStageDescriptor | A description of a programmable pipeline stage. |
Queue | A handle to a command queue on a device. |
RasterizationStateDescriptor | |
RenderPass | An in-progress recording of a render pass. |
RenderPassDescriptor | A description of all the attachments of a render pass. |
RenderPipeline | A handle to a rendering (graphics) pipeline. |
RenderPipelineDescriptor | A complete description of a render (graphics) pipeline. |
RequestAdapterOptions | Options for requesting adapter. |
Sampler | A handle to a sampler. |
SamplerDescriptor | |
ShaderModule | A handle to a compiled shader module. |
ShaderStage | |
StencilStateFaceDescriptor | |
Surface | A handle to a presentable surface. |
SwapChain | A handle to a swap chain. |
SwapChainDescriptor | |
SwapChainOutput | A swap chain image that can be rendered to. |
Texture | A handle to a texture on the GPU. |
TextureCopyView | A view of a texture which can be used to copy to or from a buffer or another texture. |
TextureDescriptor | A description of a texture. |
TextureUsage | |
TextureView | A handle to a texture view. |
TextureViewDescriptor | |
TimeOut | The GPU timed out when attempting to acquire the next texture or if aprevious output is still alive. |
VertexAttributeDescriptor | |
VertexBufferDescriptor | A description of a vertex buffer. |
VertexStateDescriptor | The vertex input state for a render pipeline. |
AddressMode | |
Backend | |
BindingResource | A resource that can be bound to a pipeline. |
BindingType | Specific type of a binding.. |
BlendFactor | |
BlendOperation | |
CompareFunction | |
CullMode | |
DeviceType | Supported physical device types |
FilterMode | |
FrontFace | |
IndexFormat | |
InputStepMode | |
LoadOp | |
Maintain | This is passed to |
PowerPreference | |
PresentMode | |
PrimitiveTopology | |
StencilOperation | |
StoreOp | |
TextureAspect | |
TextureComponentType | |
TextureDimension | |
TextureFormat | |
TextureViewDimension | |
VertexFormat |
BIND_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT | Bound uniform/storage buffer offsets must be aligned to this number. |
read_spirv |
BufferAddress | |
DynamicOffset | |
RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor | |
RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor | |
ShaderLocation |