mail-send is a Rust library to build, sign and send e-mail messages via SMTP. It includes the following features:
Send a message via an SMTP server that requires authentication:
// Build a simple multipart messagelet message=MessageBuilder::new().from(("John Doe","")).to(vec![("Jane Doe",""),("James Smith",""),]).subject("Hi!").html_body("<h1>Hello, world!</h1>").text_body("Hello world!");// Connect to the SMTP submissions port, upgrade to TLS and// authenticate using the provided credentials.SmtpClientBuilder::new("",587).implicit_tls(false).credentials(("john","p4ssw0rd")).connect().await.unwrap().send(message).await.unwrap();
Sign a message with DKIM and send it via an SMTP relay server:
// Build a simple text message with a single attachmentlet message=MessageBuilder::new().from(("John Doe","")).to("").subject("Howdy!").text_body("These pretzels are making me thirsty.").attachment("image/png","pretzels.png",[1,2,3,4].as_ref());// Sign an e-mail message using RSA-SHA256let pk_rsa=RsaKey::<Sha256>::from_rsa_pem(TEST_KEY).unwrap();let signer=DkimSigner::from_key(pk_rsa).domain("").selector("default").headers(["From","To","Subject"]).expiration(60*60*7);// Number of seconds before this signature expires (optional)// Connect to an SMTP relay server over TLS.// Signs each message with the configured DKIM signer.SmtpClientBuilder::new("",465).connect().await.unwrap().send_signed(message,&signer).await.unwrap();
More examples of how to build messages are available in themail-builder
crate.Please note that this library does not support parsing e-mail messages as this functionality is provided separately by themail-parser
To run the testsuite:
$ cargo test --all-features
or, to run the testsuite with MIRI:
$ cargo +nightly miri test --all-features
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