Maintainers: @nwin, @ccgn
This crate provides basic imaging processing functions and methods for converting to and from image formats.
All image processing functions provided operate on types that implement theGenericImage
trait and return anImageBuffer
Add the following to the Cargo.toml in your project:
and import usingextern crate
externcrate image;// use image::
provides implementations of common image format encoders and decoders.
Format | Decoding | Encoding |
PNG | All supported color types | Same as decoding |
JPEG | Baseline and progressive | Baseline JPEG |
GIF | Yes | Yes |
BMP | Yes | RGB(8), RGBA(8), Gray(8), GrayA(8) |
ICO | Yes | Yes |
TIFF | Baseline(no fax support) + LZW + PackBits | No |
Webp | Lossy(Luma channel only) | No |
PNM | PBM, PGM, PPM, standard PAM | Yes |
TraitAll image format decoders implement theImageDecoder
trait which provides the following methods:
provides the following pixel types:
All pixels are parameterised by their component type.
TraitA trait that provides functions for manipulating images, parameterised over the image's pixel type.
pubtraitGenericImage{/// The pixel type.typePixel: Pixel;/// The width and height of this image.fndimensions(&self)->(u32,u32);/// The bounding rectangle of this image.fnbounds(&self)->(u32,u32,u32,u32);/// Return the pixel located at (x, y)fnget_pixel(&self,x:u32,y:u32)->Self::Pixel;/// Put a pixel at location (x, y)fnput_pixel(&mutself,x:u32,y:u32,pixel:Self::Pixel);/// Return an Iterator over the pixels of this image./// The iterator yields the coordinates of each pixel/// along with their valuefnpixels(&self)->Pixels<Self>;}
provides two main ways of representing image data:
An image parameterised by its Pixel types, represented by a width and height and a vector of pixels. It provides direct access to its pixels and implements theGenericImage
externcrate image;useimage::{GenericImage, ImageBuffer, RgbImage};// Construct a new RGB ImageBuffer with the specified width and height.let img: RgbImage=ImageBuffer::new(512,512);// Construct a new by repeated calls to the supplied closure.let img=ImageBuffer::from_fn(512,512,|x,y|{if x%2==0{image::Luma([0u8])}else{image::Luma([255u8])}});// Obtain the image's width and height.let(width, height)= img.dimensions();// Access the pixel at coordinate (100, 100).let pixel= img[(100,100)];// Or use the ```get_pixel``` method from the ```GenericImage``` trait.let pixel= img.get_pixel(100,100);// Put a pixel at coordinate (100, 100).img.put_pixel(100,100,*pixel);// Iterate over all pixels in the image.for pixelin img.pixels(){// Do something with pixel.}
is an enumeration over all supportedImageBuffer<P>
types.Its exact image type is determined at runtime. It is the type returned when opening an image.For convenienceDynamicImage
's reimplement all image processing functions.
implement theGenericImage
trait for RGBA pixels.
A view into another image, delimited by the coordinates of a rectangle.This is used to perform image processing functions on a subregion of an image.
externcrate image;useimage::{GenericImage, ImageBuffer, imageops};letrefmut img=ImageBuffer::new(512,512);let subimg=imageops::crop(img,0,0,100,100);assert!(subimg.dimensions()==(100,100));
These are the functions defined in theimageops
module. All functions operate on types that implement theGenericImage
provides theopen
function for opening images from a path.
The image format is determined from the path's file extension.
externcrate image;useimage::GenericImageView;fnmain(){// Use the open function to load an image from a Path.// ```open``` returns a `DynamicImage` on success.let img=image::open("test.jpg").unwrap();// The dimensions method returns the images width and height.println!("dimensions{:?}", img.dimensions());// The color method returns the image's `ColorType`.println!("{:?}", img.color());// Write the contents of this image to the Writer in PNG format."test.png").unwrap();}
//! An example of generating julia fractals.externcrate image;externcrate num_complex;fnmain(){let imgx=800;let imgy=800;let scalex=3.0/ imgxasf32;let scaley=3.0/ imgyasf32;// Create a new ImgBuf with width: imgx and height: imgyletmut imgbuf=image::ImageBuffer::new(imgx, imgy);// Iterate over the coordinates and pixels of the imagefor(x, y, pixel)in imgbuf.enumerate_pixels_mut(){let r=(0.3* xasf32)asu8;let b=(0.3* yasf32)asu8;*pixel=image::Rgb([r,0, b]);}// A redundant loop to demonstrate reading image datafor xin0..imgx{for yin0..imgy{let cx= yasf32* scalex-1.5;let cy= xasf32* scaley-1.5;let c=num_complex::Complex::new(-0.4,0.6);letmut z=num_complex::Complex::new(cx, cy);letmut i=0;while i<255&& z.norm()<=2.0{ z= z* z+ c; i+=1;}let pixel= imgbuf.get_pixel_mut(x, y);let data=(*pixelasimage::Rgb<u8>).data;*pixel=image::Rgb([data[0], iasu8, data[2]]);}}// Save the image as “fractal.png”, the format is deduced from the path"fractal.png").unwrap();}
Example output:
If the high level interface is not needed because the image was obtained by other means,image
provides the functionsave_buffer
to save a buffer to a file.
externcrate image;fnmain(){let buffer:&[u8]=...;// Generate the image data// Save the buffer as "image.png"image::save_buffer("image.png", buffer,800,600,image::RGB(8)).unwrap()}