This crate provides wrappers around the underlying CoreFoundationtypes and functions that are available on Apple's operating systems.
It also provides a framework for other crates to use when wrappingother frameworks that use the CoreFoundation framework.
array | Heterogeneous immutable arrays. |
attributed_string | |
base | |
boolean | A Boolean type. |
bundle | Core Foundation Bundle Type |
data | Core Foundation byte buffers. |
date | Core Foundation date objects. |
dictionary | Dictionaries of key-value pairs. |
error | Core Foundation errors. |
filedescriptor | |
number | Immutable numbers. |
propertylist | Core Foundation property lists |
runloop | |
set | An immutable bag of elements. |
string | Immutable strings. |
timezone | Core Foundation time zone objects. |
url | A URL type for Core Foundation. |
uuid | Core Foundation UUID objects. |
declare_TCFType | Declare a Rust type that wraps an underlying CoreFoundation type. |
impl_CFComparison | |
impl_CFTypeDescription | Implement |
impl_TCFType | Provide an implementation of the |
ConcreteCFType |
Prefix searches with a type followed by a colon (e.g.,fn:
) to restrict the search to a given type.
Accepted types are:fn
, andconst
Search functions by type signature (e.g.,vec -> usize
or* -> vec
Search multiple things at once by splitting your query with comma (e.g.,str,u8