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MinIO Object Storage for Kubernetes

MinIO Object Storage for Kubernetes

MinIO is an object storage solution that provides an Amazon Web Services S3-compatible API and supports all core S3 features.MinIO is built to deploy anywhere - public or private cloud, baremetal infrastructure, orchestrated environments, and edge infrastructure.

This site documents Operations, Administration, and Development of MinIO deployments on Kubernetes platform for the latest stable version of the MinIO Operator: 7.0.0.

MinIO is released under dual licenseGNU Affero General Public License v3.0 andMinIO Commercial License.Deployments registered throughMinIO pricing use the commercial license and include access to 24/7 MinIO support.

You can get started exploring MinIO features using theMinIO Console and ourplay server at is apublic MinIO cluster running the latest stable MinIO server.Any file uploaded toplay should be considered public and non-protected.For more about connecting toplay, seeMinIO Console play Login.

This procedure deploys a Single-Node Single-Drive MinIO server onto Kubernetes for early development and evaluation of MinIO Object Storage and its S3-compatible API layer.

Use theMinIO Operator to deploy and manage production-ready MinIO tenants on Kubernetes.


  • An existing Kubernetes deployment whereat least one Worker Node has a locally-attached drive.

  • A localkubectl installation configured to create and access resources on the target Kubernetes deployment.

  • Familiarity with Kubernetes environments

  • Familiarity with using a Terminal or Shell environment


  1. Download the MinIO Object

    Downloadminio-dev.yaml to your host machine:


    The file describes two Kubernetes resources:

    • A new namespaceminio-dev, and

    • A MinIO pod using a drive or volume on the Worker Node for serving data

    Select theOverview of the MinIO Object YAML for a more detailed description of the object.

    Theminio-dev.yaml contains the following Kubernetes resources:

    # Deploys a new Namespace for the MinIO PodapiVersion:v1kind:Namespacemetadata:name:minio-dev# Change this value if you want a different namespace namelabels:name:minio-dev# Change this value to match Deploys a new MinIO Pod into the metadata.namespace Kubernetes namespace## The `spec.containers[0].args` contains the command run on the pod# The `/data` directory corresponds to the `spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath`# That mount path corresponds to a Kubernetes HostPath which binds `/data` to a local drive or volume on the worker node where the pod runs#apiVersion:v1kind:Podmetadata:labels:app:minioname:minionamespace:minio-dev# Change this value to match the namespace server /data --console-address :9001volumeMounts:-mountPath:/dataname:localvolume# Corresponds to the `spec.volumes` Persistent Specify a node label associated to the Worker Node on which you want to deploy the pod.volumes:-name:localvolumehostPath:# MinIO generally recommends using locally-attached volumespath:/mnt/disk1/data# Specify a path to a local drive or volume on the Kubernetes worker nodetype:DirectoryOrCreate# The path to the last directory must exist

    The object deploys two resources:

    • A new namespaceminio-dev, and

    • A MinIO pod using a drive or volume on the Worker Node for serving data

    The MinIO resource definition uses KubernetesNode Selectors and Labels to restrict the pod to a node with matching hostname label.Usekubectlgetnodes--show-labels to view all labels assigned to each node in the cluster.

    The MinIO Pod uses ahostPath volume for storing data. This pathmust correspond to a local drive or folder on the Kubernetes worker node.

    Users familiar with Kubernetes scheduling and volume provisioning may modify thespec.nodeSelector,, andvolumes fields to meet more specific requirements.

  2. Apply the MinIO Object Definition

    The following command applies theminio-dev.yaml configuration and deploys the objects to Kubernetes:


    The command output should resemble the following:


    You can verify the state of the pod by runningkubectlgetpods:


    The output should resemble the following:


    You can also use the following commands to retrieve detailed information on the pod status:

  3. Temporarily Access the MinIO S3 API and Console

    Use thekubectlport-forward command to temporarily forward traffic from the MinIO pod to the local machine:


    The command forwards the pod ports9000 and9090 to the matching port on the local machine while active in the shell.Thekubectlport-forward command only functions while active in the shell session.Terminating the session closes the ports on the local machine.


    The following steps of this procedure assume an activekubectlport-forward command.

    To configure long term access to the pod, configureIngress or similar network control components within Kubernetes to route traffic to and from the pod. Configuring Ingress is out of the scope for this documentation.

  4. Connect your Browser to the MinIO Server

    Access theMinIO Console by opening a browser on the local machine and navigating tohttp://

    Log in to the Console with the credentialsminioadmin|minioadmin.These are the defaultroot user credentials.

    MinIO Console displaying login screen

    You can use the MinIO Console for general administration tasks like Identity and Access Management, Metrics and Log Monitoring, or Server Configuration.Each MinIO server includes its own embedded MinIO Console.

    MinIO Console displaying bucket start screen

    For more information, see theMinIO Console documentation.

  5. (Optional) Connect the MinIO Client

    If your local machine hasmcinstalled, use themcaliasset command to authenticate and connect to the MinIO deployment:

    • The name of the alias

    • The hostname or IP address and port of the MinIO server

    • The Access Key for a MinIOuser

    • The Secret Key for a MinIOuser

Next Steps

This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2020-Present, MinIO, Inc.Creative Commons License
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