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The Gradle team is pleased to announce Gradle 3.5.
First and foremost, we're excited to announce the newBuild Cache! Beyondincremental builds, Gradle can save time by reusing outputs from previous executions of a task, resolving themlocally orremotely. We’ve worked hard to ensure many built-in tasks are cacheable and safe to try; however, this feature should not be used in production without fully understandingits current limitations, so it is not enabled by default.
We have been testing this feature at scale for quite some time on the Gradle build itself and with enterprise partners, and the feedback has been very positive. While this feature is incubating, we are improving the user experience, documentation, and debuggability so that everyone can enable the Build Cache eventually.
We would like your feedback. Please read theBuild Cache user manual, try it in non-critical environments, and submit GitHub issues with build scans if you encounter problems.
Next, we lamented that sometimes Gradle console output did not show all work-in-progress during a build (especially with--parallel
), so we’ve developed brand new console output!
Gradle Script Kotlin v0.8.0 (included in the distribution) is a major step forward in usability. It brings a more consistent DSL, convenient and type-safe access to contributed project extensions and conventions, much better error reporting, bug fixes and, of course, the latest and greatest Kotlin release.
Finally,plugin resolution rules give you tighter control over how plugins are resolved through the newpluginManagement {}
We hope you will build happiness with Gradle 3.5, and we look forward to your feedbackvia Twitter oron GitHub.
task propertiesHere are the new features introduced in this Gradle release.
When attached to a terminal, Gradle will now show you abuild summary and more detailedwork-in-progress. The build summary tells you how much of the task graph has been completed. The work-in-progress section tells you which tasks are being processed. It gets much more interesting when you turn on--parallel
If you encounter any problems, use the--console plain
option and please file an issue with your environment and terminal information.
This release adds the Gradlebuild cache that speeds up builds by reusing outputs produced by other builds. The build cache works by storing (locally or remotely) build outputs and allowing builds to fetch these outputs from the cache when it is determined that inputs have not changed, avoiding the expensive work of regenerating them.
A first feature using the build cache istask output caching. Task output caching leverages the same intelligence asup-to-date checks that Gradle uses to avoid work when a previous local build has already produced a set of task outputs. But instead of being limited to the previous build in the same workspace, task output caching allows Gradle to reuse task outputs from any earlier build in any location on the local machine. When using a shared build cache for task output caching this even works across developer machines and build agents.
After upgrading to 3.5, try out the Gradle Build Cache straightaway on a project that uses the Java plugin by running:
gradle --build-cache clean assemblegradle --build-cache clean assemble
Your second build should be faster because some task outputs, like Java classes, can be reused from the first build. These outputs are pulled from the Gradle build cache.
In this simple example it was the same build in the same workspace which produced the outputs, but these could have also been produced by an earlier build in a different workspace, when having worked on the same branch earlier while switching branches in between or even by another developer or build agent.
Without any extra configuration, your build will use a local directory in yourGRADLE_USER_HOME
to store task outputs. To take this to another level, you can configure your build to pull task outputs from a build cacheshared with your team. You canconfigure nginx to act as a shared build cache. A scalable, highly-available build cache backend is coming soon inGradle Enterprise.
We provide arecommended configuration that uses your continuous integration builds to populate a shared build cache and allows all developers to pull from that build cache. Our recommended configuration does not directly share task outputs among developer builds.
Task output caching is an opt-in feature for tasks, so not every task will be cacheable yet. For example, tasks from the Gradle Android and Kotlin plugins are not cacheableyet. Further, some tasks like a simpleCopy
task are not andshould not be cached. Look atthe build cache user guide chapter to see all of the current limitations with using the build cache.
Gradle now allows you toadjust how plugins are resolved by providing plugin resolution rules. For instance, you could specify a default version for a plugin so you don't have to repeat it in every project. Or you could tell Gradle what implementation artifact it should look for in case the plugin is not published with plugin markers.
pluginManagement { repositories { maven { url = 'someUrl'} } resolutionStrategy { eachPlugin { if (requested.id.namespace = 'my.plugins') { useVersion('1.3') } } }}
block supersedes the existingpluginRepositories
block. Moreover, you now have full access to theSettings
DSL inside that block, so you can make decisions e.g. based on start parameters. You can also configure plugin management from an init script by using thesettingsEvaluated {}
Gradle Script Kotlin v0.8.0, included in Gradle 3.5, greatly improves the user experience and parity with Groovy build scripts.
Updates since v0.5.1:
1.0.x again.it
problem is now solved, that means a consistent DSL across core and community plugins.... and a lot more. Full details are available in the Gradle Script Kotlinv0.6.0,v0.7.0 andv0.8.0 release notes.
task propertiesFor built-in and custom tasks that use the@Classpath
annotation, Gradle now performs deeper inspection of the classpath to filter out some differences that do not affect task execution. Gradle will ignore changes to timestamps within a jar file and the order of entries inside a jar file.
In previous versions, for tasks likeJavadoc
, Gradle would consider the task out-of-date if the content of the classpath changed in any way (order of classes in a jar, timestamps of class files, etc).
Extensions can now be registered inExtensionContainer
s with an explicit public type. This allows plugin authors to hide their implementation type from build scripts and allowExtensionContainer
s to expose a schema of all the registered extensions.
For example, if you have aFancyExtension
type, implemented by someDefaultFancyExtension
type, here is how you should register it:
// If you want to delegate the extension instance creation to Gradle:project.extensions.create FancyExtension, 'fancy', DefaultFancyExtension// Or if you need to create the extension instance yourself:FancyExtension fancyInstance = new DefaultFancyExtension(...)project.extensions.add FancyExtension, 'fancy', fancyInstance
Tooling API clients like IDEs can now run tasks before running a build action. This allows them to fetch tooling models which depend on the result of executing some task. This mirrors the existingModelBuilder.forTasks()
Tooling API clients can now specify environment variables to use when invoking a Gradle build.
The Tooling API can now report progress when it downloads of the Gradle distribution. A new type ofProgressEvent
, calledStatusEvent
, is passed to theProgressListener.statusChanged()
method as the download proceeds.
Gradle has added support for command-line options to doclets that can appearmultiple times and have multiple values.
In previous versions of Gradle, it was not possible to supply command-line options like:
-myoption 'foo' 'bar'-myoption 'baz'
Gradle would produce a single-myoption
or combine the option's value into a single argument.
javadoc { options { def myoption = addMultilineMultiValueOption("myoption") myoption.setValue([ [ "foo", "bar" ], [ "baz" ] ]) }}
For selecting a Java toolchain for cross compilation you can now useForkOptions.javaHome. Gradle will detect the version of the Java installation and use the right compiler from the installation. SettingForkOptions.executable
has been deprecated in favor of this new way of choosing the Java compiler for cross-compilation.
For more information on how to use this feature see thedocumentation on cross-compilation.
Promoted features are features that were incubating in previous versions of Gradle but are now supported and subject to backwards compatibility. See the User guide section on the “Feature Lifecycle” for more information.
The following are the features that have been promoted in this Gradle release.
TheGradle Wrapper has been unchanged for quite some time and is the most popular way to manage Gradle versions.
gradle init has been stable for quite some time as well and has been promoted from incubating.
Features that have become superseded or irrelevant due to the natural evolution of Gradle becomedeprecated, and scheduled to be removed in the next major Gradle version (Gradle 4.0). See the User guide section on the “Feature Lifecycle” for more information.
The following are the newly deprecated items in this Gradle release. If you have concerns about a deprecation, please raise it via theGradle Forums.
method insettings.gradle
is superseded by the newpluginManagement.repositories
property has been deprecated. You shouldset the Java home to choose a toolchain for cross compilation.
The version of Groovy bundled with Gradle has been upgraded to2.4.10.
Now that extensions implementation type is hidden from plugins and build scripts that extensions can only be addressed by their public type, some Gradle core extensions are not addressable by their internal type anymore:
, useExtraPropertiesExtension
, useDistributionContainer
, usePublishingExtension
, usePlatformContainer
, useBuildTypeContainer
, useFlavorContainer
, useNativeToolChainRegistry
instead"RELEASE" is now considered a special term when comparing versions of dependencies. It is now consideredhigher than "DEV" or "RC" (all things case-insensitive). This allows projects like those using Spring to have correct version comparison.
Seegradle/gradle#1378 for more details.
By default, Gradle now usesCheckstyle 6.19. Previously, Gradle used Checkstyle 5.9. We cannot upgrade to the latest release because Checkstyle 7.0+ require Java 8. Gradle has been tested against Checkstyle 7.0 and 7.6.
Newer versions of Checkstyle usually bring new rules, better inspections and bug fixes. Your build may fail due to these changes.
You can upgrade or downgrade the version of Checkstyle with:
checkstyle { toolVersion = '5.9'}
A new subtype of the Tooling API typeProgressEvent
, calledStatusEvent
, has been added to represent the interim progress of a particular operation. Instances of this new type will be passed toProgressListener.statusChanged()
We would like to thank the following community members for making contributions to this release of Gradle.
when excluding transitive dependencies in dependency configuration (gradle/gradle#1113)groovy-all
dependency across multiple example in user guide (gradle/gradle#1446)--version
(gradle/gradle#1462)We love getting contributions from the Gradle community. For information on contributing, please seegradle.org/contribute.
Known issues are problems that were discovered post release that are directly related to changes made in this release.