


NEON Functions

NEON is a human-friendly data serialization language. It is used in Nette for configuration files.Nette\Neon\Neon is a static class for working with NEON.

Get to knowNEON format andtry it out.

The following examples use these aliases:

use Nette\Neon\Neon;


Download and install the package usingComposer:

composer require nette/neon

You can check for syntax errors in*.neon files using theneon-lint console command:

vendor/bin/neon-lint <path>

encode(mixed $value,bool $blockMode=false,string $indentation="\t")string

Returns$value converted to NEON. As the parameter$blockMode you can pass true, which will createmultiline output. The parameter$indentation specifies the characters used for indentation (default is tab).

Neon::encode($value); // Returns $value converted to NEONNeon::encode($value, true); // Returns $value converted to multiline NEON

Methodencode() throwsNette\Neon\Exception on error.

try {$neon = Neon::encode($value);} catch (Nette\Neon\Exception $e) {// Exception handling}

decode(string $neon):mixed

Converts given NEON to PHP value.

Returns scalars, arrays,date as DateTimeImmutable objects, andentities asNette\Neon\Entity objects.

Neon::decode('hello: world'); // Returns an array ['hello' => 'world']

Methoddecode() throwsNette\Neon\Exception on error.

try {$value = Neon::decode($neon);} catch (Nette\Neon\Exception $e) {// Exception handling}

decodeFile(string $file)mixed

Converts the contents of the file from NEON to PHP and removes any BOM.


MethoddecodeFile() throwsNette\Neon\Exception on error.

  1. Documentation
  2. NEON Functions

