See §1.12 for relevant properties of continued fractions, including thefollowing definitions:
3.10.1 | |||
, | |||
3.10.2 | |||
is thethapproximant orconvergent to.
Every convergent, asymptotic, or formal series
3.10.3 | |||
can be converted into a continued fraction of type (3.10.1),and with the property that theth convergent to isequal to theth partial sum of the series in (3.10.3), that is,
3.10.4 | |||
. | |||
For instance, if none of the vanish, then we can define
3.10.5 | ||||
, | ||||
. | ||||
However, other continued fractions with the same limit may converge in a muchlarger domain of the complex plane than the fraction given by(3.10.4) and (3.10.5). For example, by converting theMaclaurin expansion of (4.24.3), we obtain acontinued fraction with the same region of convergence (,), whereas the continued fraction (4.25.4) convergesfor all except on the branch cuts from to and to.
A continued fraction of the form
3.10.6 | |||
is called aStieltjes fraction (-fraction). We say that itcorresponds to the formal power series
3.10.7 | |||
if the expansion of itsth convergent in ascending powers ofagrees with (3.10.7) up to and including the term in,.
For several special functions the-fractions are known explicitly, but inany case the coefficients can always be calculated from the power-seriescoefficients by means of thequotient-difference algorithm; seeTable3.10.1.
![]() |
The first two columns in this table are defined by
3.10.8 | ||||
, | ||||
, | ||||
where the () appear in (3.10.7). We continue bymeans of therhombus rule
3.10.9 | ||||
,, | ||||
,. | ||||
Then the coefficients of the-fraction (3.10.6) aregiven by
3.10.10 | ||||
The quotient-difference algorithm is frequently unstable and may requirehigh-precision arithmetic or exact arithmetic. A more stable version of thealgorithm is discussed inStokes (1980). For applications to Besselfunctions and Whittaker functions (Chapters 10 and13), seeGargantini and Henrici (1967).
A continued fraction of the form
3.10.11 | |||
is called aJacobi fraction (-fraction). We say that it isassociated with the formal power series in(3.10.7) if the expansion of itsth convergent inascending powers of, agrees with (3.10.7) up to andincluding the term in,. For the same function, the convergent of the Jacobi fraction (3.10.11)equals the convergent of the Stieltjes fraction(3.10.6).
For special functions see§5.10 (gamma function),§7.9 (error function),§8.9 (incomplete gamma functions),§8.17(v) (incomplete beta function),§8.19(vii) (generalized exponential integral),§§10.10 and10.33 (quotients of Bessel functions),§13.6 (quotients of confluent hypergeometric functions),§13.19 (quotients of Whittaker functions), and§15.7 (quotients of hypergeometric functions).
To compute the of (3.10.2) we perform the iterated divisions
3.10.12 | ||||
, | ||||
. | ||||
Then. To achieve a prescribed accuracy, eithera prioriknowledge is needed of the value of, or is determined by trial anderror. In general this algorithm is more stable than the forward algorithm; seeJones and Thron (1974).
The continued fraction
3.10.13 | |||
can be written in the form
3.10.14 | |||
3.10.15 | ||||
, | ||||
. | ||||
Theth partial sum equals theth convergentof (3.10.13),. In contrast to the precedingalgorithms in this subsection no scaling problems arise and noa prioriinformation is needed.
This forward algorithm achieves efficiency and stability in the computation ofthe convergents, and is related to the forward seriesrecurrence algorithm. Again, no scaling problems arise and noa prioriinformation is needed.
3.10.16 | ||||
( is thebackward difference operator.) Then for,
3.10.17 | ||||
The recurrences are continued until is within a prescribedrelative precision.
Alternatives to Steed’s algorithm are theLentz algorithmLentz (1976)and themodified Lentz algorithmThompson and Barnett (1986).
For further information on the preceding algorithms, including convergence inthe complex plane and methods for accelerating convergence, seeBlanch (1964) andLorentzen and Waadeland (1992, Chapter 3). For theevaluation of special functions by using continued fractions seeCuyt et al. (2008),Gautschi (1967, §1),Gil et al. (2007a, Chapter 6), andWimp (1984, Chapter 4, §5). Seealso §§6.18(i),7.22(i),8.25(iv),10.74(v),14.32,28.34(ii),29.20(i),30.16(i),33.23(v).