Welcome, I’m a 3D Artist, Unity Video Game Developer, Video Game Designer, and Pixel Artist.
I have been designing and developing games for over 20 years, specializing in theUnity 3D Game Engine for the last 7 1/2 years.
See My 76 Asset Packages Available On The Unity Asset Store
I’m available to hire for freelance or contract work, full or part-time, 3D artist, 2d artist, C# Programmer, or Unity Game Designer (remote from USA).
If you'd like to support an amazing pixel artist check out my favorite pixel artist LYASeek's Boosty page:LYASeek's Boosty And on itch.io:LYASeeK Itch.IO
All the games/game projects/artwork packages below I have created using: Unity3D Game Engine, Adobe Photoshop, and Asprite.